World  Spiritual  Heritage

Life and teaching of Aurobindo Ghose

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Aurobindo Ghose : Biography

Philosopher, poet, and mystic, born in Calcutta, India. He studied at Cambridge, and became a professor in Baroda and Calcutta. Renouncing nationalism and politics for yoga and Hindu philosophy, he founded an ashram at Pondicherry in 1910. His writings include The Life Divine (1940) and Aurobindo on Himself (1953).

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Aurobindo Ghose : Bibliography

- Renaissance et Karma (1 octobre 1983)
- Le secret du Véda (20 janvier 1983)
- Lettres sur le Yoga (1 septembre 1997)
- La Pratique du yoga intégral (2 septembre 1987)
- Le Guide du yoga (1991)
- Les fondements de la culture indienne (1 septembre 1997)
- Brahman et Maya dans les Upanishads (1 janvier 1990)
- Essai sur la Guîtâ. 1, L'instructeur divin (20 novembre 1991)
- La Bhagavad-Gîtâ : Extraits des essais sur la Gîta (11 mars 1970)
- Métaphysique et Psychologie (22 mars 1988)
- La Vie divine, tome 1 (19 avril 1989)
- La poésie future (1 mai 1998)
- L'odyssée de l'âme (7 octobre 1999)

Aurobindo Ghose : Portraits

Aurobindo Ghose
Aurobindo Ghose
Aurobindo Ghose
Aurobindo Ghose
Aurobindo Ghose
Aurobindo Ghose
Aurobindo Ghose
Aurobindo Ghose
Aurobindo Ghose
Aurobindo Ghose
Aurobindo Ghose
Aurobindo Ghose
Aurobindo Ghose
Aurobindo Ghose
Aurobindo Ghose
Aurobindo Ghose
Aurobindo Ghose
Aurobindo Ghose
Aurobindo Ghose
Aurobindo Ghose
Aurobindo Ghose
Aurobindo Ghose
Aurobindo Ghose
Aurobindo Ghose
Aurobindo Ghose
Aurobindo Ghose

Aurobindo Ghose : Links

Hinduism / Kriya Yoga, Hinduism / Tantra, Advaya Vajra, Amirthanandamayi, Anangavajra, Aurobindo Ghose, Bhagavata Purana, Bhaskarananda, Chitthar, Gandhi, Gautama Smriti, Hariharananda, Jiddu Krishnamurti, Jnaneshwar, Kambala, Kanha, Krishna, Lahiri Mahasaya, Ma Anandamayî, Meher Baba, Meykandar, Mirabai, Muktananda, Nisargadatta Maharaj, Osho, Padarthadharmasamgraha, Paramhansa Yogananda, Patanjali, Prabhavananda, Prabhupada, Radhakrishnan, Ramakrishna, Ramana Maharshi, Ramdas, Ramdasa, Ranchor Prime, Rasamandala Das, Samkhya Sutra, Saraha, Satya Sai Baba, Shankara, Shirdi Sai Baba, Shri Yukteswar, Sivananda, Srimad bhagavatam, Swami Satyananda, Swami Vishnu Devananda, Tagore, Tantric scriptures, The Ashtavakra Gita, The Atharva Veda, The Avadhuta Gita, The Bhagavat Gita, The Bhakti Sutras, The Devi Gita, The Law of Manu, The Mahabarata, The Panchadasi, The Ramayana, The Rig Veda, The Sama Veda, The Thirrukkural, The Upanishads, The Vishnu Purana, The Vishnu Sahasranam, The Yajur Veda, The Yoga vasishtha, Tukaram, Vinobâ Bhave, Vishnu Purana, Vivekananda, Yajnavalkya Smriti, Yoga Sutra, etc.

