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The wisdom of The Hidden Words

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O SON OF EART H! Know, verily, the heart wherein the least remnant of envy yet lingers, shall never attain My everlasting dominion, nor inhale the sweet savors of holiness breathing from My kingdom of sanctity.

quote 8629  |   The Hidden Words
The Hidden Words of Baha'u'llah, Part II.6 


O QUINTESSENCE OF PASSION! Put away all covetousness and seek contentment; for the covetous hath ever been deprived, and the contented hath ever been loved and praised.

quote 8628  |   The Hidden Words
The Hidden Words of Baha'u'llah, Part II.50 


O SON OF DUST! Verily I say unto thee: Of all men the most negligent is he that disputeth idly and seeketh to advance himself over his brother. Say, O brethren! Let deeds, not words, be your adorning.

quote 8627  |   The Hidden Words
The Hidden Words of Baha'u'llah, Part II.5 


O BRETHREN! Be forbearing one with another and set not your affections on things below. Pride not yourselves in your glory, and be not ashamed of abasement.

quote 8626  |   The Hidden Words
The Hidden Words of Baha'u'llah, Part II.48 


O CHILDREN OF DESIRE! Put away the garment of vainglory, and divest yourselves of the attire of haughtiness.

quote 8625  |   The Hidden Words
The Hidden Words of Baha'u'llah, Part II.47 


O COMPANION OF MY THRONE! Hear no evil, and see no evil, abase not thyself, neither sigh and weep. Speak no evil, that thou mayest not hear it spoken unto thee, and magnify not the faults of others that thine own faults may not appear great; and wish not the abasement of anyone, that thine own abasement be not exposed.

quote 8624  |   The Hidden Words
The Hidden Words of Baha'u'llah, Part II.44 


O MY SERVANT! Purge thy heart from malice and, innocent of envy, enter the divine court of holiness.

quote 8623  |   The Hidden Words
The Hidden Words of Baha'u'llah, Part II.42 


O FRIEND! In the garden of thy heart plant naught but the rose of love, and from the nightingale of affection and desire loosen not thy hold. Treasure the companionship of the righteous and eschew all fellowship with the ungodly.

quote 8622  |   The Hidden Words
The Hidden Words of Baha'u'llah, Part II.3 


O SON OF MAN! Should prosperity befall thee, rejoice not, and should abasement come upon thee, grieve not, for both shall pass away and be no more.

quote 8621  |   The Hidden Words
The Hidden Words of Baha'u'llah, Part I.52 


O SON OF BEING! Ascribe not to any soul that which thou wouldst not have ascribed to thee, and say not that which thou doest not. This is My command unto thee, do thou observe it.

quote 8620  |   The Hidden Words
The Hidden Words of Baha'u'llah, Part I.29 


O SON OF BEING! How couldst thou forget thine own faults and busy thyself with the faults of others? Whoso doeth this is accursed of Me.

quote 8619  |   The Hidden Words
The Hidden Words of Baha'u'llah, I.26 


O SON OF SPIRIT! The best beloved of all things in My sight is Justice; turn not away therefrom if thou desirest Me, and neglect it not that I may confide in thee. By its aid thou shalt see with thine own eyes and not through the eyes of others, and shalt know of thine own knowledge and not through the knowledge of thy neighbor. Ponder this in thy heart; how it behooveth thee to be. Verily justice is My gift to thee and the sign of My loving-kindness. Set it then before thine eyes.

quote 8618  |   The Hidden Words
The Hidden Words of Baha'u'llah, Part I.2 


O CHILDREN OF FANCY! Know, verily, that while the radiant dawn breaketh above the horizon of eternal holiness, the satanic secrets and deeds done in the gloom of night shall be laid bare and manifest before the peoples of the world.

quote 4831  |   The Hidden Words


O HEEDLESS ONES! Think not the secrets of hearts are hidden, nay, know ye of a certainty that in clear characters they are engraved and are openly manifest in the holy Presence.

quote 4830  |   The Hidden Words


O SON OF BEING! Thy heart is My home; sanctify it for My descent. Thy spirit is My place of revelation; cleanse it for My manifestation.

quote 4829  |   The Hidden Words


O CHILDREN OF DESIRE! Put away the garment of vainglory, and divest yourselves of the attire of haughtiness.

quote 4828  |   The Hidden Words


L ive then the days of thy life, that are less than a fleeting moment, with thy mind stainless, thy heart unsullied, thy thoughts pure, and thy nature sanctified, so that, free and content, thou mayest put away this mortal frame, and repair unto the mystic paradise and abide in the eternal kingdom for evermore.

quote 4827  |   The Hidden Words


O COMPANION OF MY THRONE! Hear no evil, and see no evil, abase not thyself, neither sigh and weep. Speak no evil, that thou mayest not hear it spoken unto thee, and magnify not the faults of others that thine own faults may not appear great; and wish not the abasement of anyone, that thine own abasement be not exposed.

quote 4826  |   The Hidden Words


O SON OF SPIRIT! Know thou of a truth: He that biddeth men be just and himself committeth iniquity is not of Me, even though he bear My name.

quote 4825  |   The Hidden Words


O SON OF SPIRIT! Burst thy cage asunder, and even as the phoenix of love soar into the firmament of holiness. Renounce thyself and, filled with the spirit of mercy, abide in the realm of celestial sanctity.

quote 4824  |   The Hidden Words


O MY FRIENDS! Quench ye the lamp of error, and kindle within your hearts the everlasting torch of divine guidance. For ere long the assayers of mankind shall, in the holy presence of the Adored, accept naught but purest virtue and deeds of stainless holiness.

quote 4823  |   The Hidden Words


O BEFRIENDED STRANGER! The candle of thine heart is lighted by the hand of My power, quench it not with the contrary winds of self and passion.

quote 4822  |   The Hidden Words


O FLEETING SHADOW! Pass beyond the baser stages of doubt and rise to the exalted heights of certainty.

quote 4821  |   The Hidden Words


O SON OF MAN! Ascend unto My heaven, that thou mayest obtain the joy of reunion, and from the chalice of imperishable glory quaff the peerless wine.

quote 4820  |   The Hidden Words


O SON OF GLORY! Be swift in the path of holiness, and enter the heaven of communion with Me. Cleanse thy heart with the burnish of the spirit, and hasten to the court of the Most High.

quote 4819  |   The Hidden Words


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