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The wisdom of The Epistle to the Son of the Wolf

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T hine ears and thine eyes must needs now be cleansed and sanctified, that thou mayest be able to judge with fairness and justice.

quote 4889  |   The Epistle to the Son of the Wolf


C onsider these days in which He Who is the Ancient Beauty hath come in the Most Great Name, that He may quicken the world and unite its peoples.

quote 4888  |   The Epistle to the Son of the Wolf


B lessed is he that entereth the Assembly for the sake of God, and judgeth between men with pure justice. He, indeed, is of the blissful.

quote 4887  |   The Epistle to the Son of the Wolf


C onfer with them, and show them what hath flowed out of the Pen of Glory, that haply they may be graciously aided to better the condition of the world, and improve the character of peoples of different nations, and may, through the living waters of God’s counsels, quench the hatred and the animosity which lie hid and smoulder in the hearts of men.

quote 4886  |   The Epistle to the Son of the Wolf


W ere the breezes of Revelation to seize thee, thou wouldst flee the world, and turn unto the Kingdom, and wouldst expend all thou possessest, that thou mayest draw nigh unto this sublime Vision.

quote 4885  |   The Epistle to the Son of the Wolf


R egard ye the world as a man’s body, which is afflicted with diverse ailments, and the recovery of which dependeth upon the harmonizing of all of its component elements.

quote 4884  |   The Epistle to the Son of the Wolf


P urge your hearts from love of the world, and your tongues from calumny, and your limbs from whatsoever may withhold you from drawing nigh unto God, the Mighty, the All-Praised.

quote 4883  |   The Epistle to the Son of the Wolf


O ye rich ones on earth! If ye encounter one who is poor, treat him not disdainfully.

quote 4882  |   The Epistle to the Son of the Wolf


M editate on the world and the state of its people.

quote 4881  |   The Epistle to the Son of the Wolf


G ather ye around that which We have prescribed unto you, and walk not in the ways of such as create dissension.

quote 4880  |   The Epistle to the Son of the Wolf


D eal not treacherously with the substance of your neighbour.

quote 4879  |   The Epistle to the Son of the Wolf


B e ye trustworthy on earth, and withhold not from the poor the things given unto you by God through His grace.

quote 4878  |   The Epistle to the Son of the Wolf


K now of a truth that your subjects are God’s trust amongst you. Watch ye, therefore, over them as ye watch over your own selves.

quote 4877  |   The Epistle to the Son of the Wolf


B eware that ye allow not wolves to become the shepherds of the fold, or pride and conceit to deter you from turning unto the poor and the desolate.

quote 4876  |   The Epistle to the Son of the Wolf


I have offered Myself up in the way of God, and I yearn after tribulations in My love for Him, and for the sake of His good pleasure.

quote 4875  |   The Epistle to the Son of the Wolf


S eclude yourselves in the stronghold of My love.

quote 4874  |   The Epistle to the Son of the Wolf


T he voice of the Burning Bush is raised in the midmost heart of the world, and the Holy Spirit calleth aloud among the nations: ‘Lo, the Desired One is come with manifest dominion!’

quote 4873  |   The Epistle to the Son of the Wolf


A ttire thy temple with the ornament of My Name, and thy tongue with remembrance of Me, and thine heart with love for Me, the Almighty, the Most High.

quote 4872  |   The Epistle to the Son of the Wolf


H e Who is the Unconditioned is come, in the clouds of light, that He may quicken all created things with the breezes of His Name, the Most Merciful, and unify the world, and gather all men around this Table which hath been sent down from heaven.

quote 4871  |   The Epistle to the Son of the Wolf


A ddressing Himself unto the kings and rulers of the earth -- may God, exalted be He, assist them -- He imparted unto them that which is the cause of the well-being, the unity, the harmony, and the reconstruction of the world, and of the tranquillity of the nations.

quote 4870  |   The Epistle to the Son of the Wolf


T hey that surround thee love thee for their own sakes, whereas this Youth loveth thee for thine own sake, and hath had no desire except to draw thee nigh unto the seat of grace, and to turn thee toward the right-hand of justice.

quote 4869  |   The Epistle to the Son of the Wolf


I beseech Thee, by Thy Cause that hath encompassed the world of being, and by Thy Name wherewith Thou hast subjected the seen and unseen, to adorn the peoples of the earth with the light of Thy justice, and to illuminate their hearts with the brightness of Thy knowledge.

quote 4868  |   The Epistle to the Son of the Wolf


O Shaykh! I swear by the Sun of Truth Which hath risen and shineth above the horizon of this Prison! The betterment of the world hath been the sole aim of this Wronged One.

quote 4867  |   The Epistle to the Son of the Wolf


B y the righteousness of God! Justice is a powerful force. It is, above all else, the conqueror of the citadels of the hearts and souls of men, and the revealer of the secrets of the world of being, and the standard-bearer of love and bounty.

quote 4866  |   The Epistle to the Son of the Wolf


T hey must put away the weapons of war, and turn to the instruments of universal reconstruction.

quote 4865  |   The Epistle to the Son of the Wolf


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