World  Sacred  Scriptures

The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

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O ne who offers both respectful greetings and rude refusal to his master, has gone wrong from the very beginning O Nanak, both of his actions are false; he obtains no place in the Court of the Lord

quote 6918  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Respect Waheguru: the True God and respect His command. Do not challenge Waheguru and demand outcomes. All happens in His will. If one continues to disrespect then one has lost everything and there will be no place in His court for you


W hen your soul is feeling sad, offer your prayers to the Guru Renounce all your cleverness, and dedicate your mind and body to Him Worship the Feet of the Guru, and your evil-mindedness shall be burnt away

quote 6917  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Joy and sadness are part of everyday life. Offer prayers to the True Lord when sad. Always remain humble and do not dwell in your own self cleverness and ingenuity. Keeping a humble mind will keep evil mindedness away


W ithin my mind, I think thoughts of always rising early, and making the effort Lord, my Friend, please bless Nanak with the habit of singing the Kirtan of the Lord’s Praises

quote 6916  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

One’s mind wants to get up early and pray. However, the efforts can sometimes be compromised. Ask Waheguru the True Lord to give you the will power to do as your mind wants and overcome any lack of effort so you are not hindered from singing the Kirtan of the Lords praises


H usband Lord, You have given me the silk gown of Your Love to cover and protect my honor You are all-wise and all-knowing, O my Master; Nanak: I have not appreciated Your value, Lord

quote 6915  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

To His soul bride He gave love and all the essentials to survive yet the soul bride did not appreciate all that was done. Remember Him and value Him as He is your Creator Lord


Y ou have not cleansed the filth from within yourself, although outwardly, you wear the dress of a renunciate In the heart-lotus of yourself, you have not recognized God - why have you become a Sannyaasee?

quote 6914  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

What one is on the inside one hides with religious robes and religious deeds. One does not recognise the True God and tries to hide his inner filth from Him. But He sees all. Try and recognise Him instead of being one who claims to abandon social and family standings. Cleanse the filth from within with meditation and singing His kirtan (praises)


T he slanderers are destroyed in an instant; they are not spared for even a moment God will not endure the sufferings of His slaves, but catching the slanderers, He binds them to the cycle of reincarnation

quote 6913  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

The True Lord does not tolerate slanderers, so do not engage in slander. He will not spare you


T he jewel of spiritual wisdom is awakened deep within Evil-mindedness is eradicated, and the supreme status is attained

quote 6912  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

When the True Lord blesses one with His glimpse, the jewel of spiritual wisdom is awakened within. With spiritual wisdom comes love for Him and His creation and evil mindedness is nowhere to be seen. Remember Him and sing his praises that one day His blessing glimpse may come and rest on you


B y trying to please other people, nothing is accomplished When someone is attached to the True Lord, his ego is taken away

quote 6911  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Ego is established when one starts to think that one does everything themselves or they are the best looking, the cleverest, etc. One even tries to impress others or please them with lies, ego, stretched self importance, etc. But when one attaches oneself to the True Lord none of these matter as He only matters and then one becomes content


Y our slave is crushed and destroyed

quote 6910  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

When one talks ill of others, especially those who are God loving people, Waheguru does not take to it lightly. Slandering, back biting, gossiping, etc is not acceptable and He Himself will destroy those engaged in such lowly activities


B lessed, blessed is the good fortune of those Gurmukhs, who live as Gursikhs, and conquer their minds But the greatest good fortune of all, is that of the Guru’s Sikhs, who fall at the Guru’s feet

quote 6909  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Be blessed by living the life of a truthful person conducting truthful deeds. Be His and sing His praises and fall at His feet as He is the only Master and Lord


B lessed, blessed is the good fortune of those holy people, who sing the Kirtan of the Lord’s Praises, and so become virtuous

quote 6908  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Sing songs of Waheguru’s praises and let your voice be blessed by Him. One’s sweet voice singing His praises will travel to Waheguru and then one will be honoured in His court and He will accept you as His own


B lessed, blessed is the good fortune of those Saints, who, with their ears, listen to the Lord’s Praises

quote 6907  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Let one’s ears listen to the wisdom of Waheguru: the One God. Do not use your ears to listen to slander, gossip or lies. Use the ears to listen to His praises, His worship, the voice of His Gursikhs (His loved ones) and let your ears be pure and ready to accept Waheguru’s blessings


B lessed, blessed is the good fortune of those devotees, who, with their mouths, utter the Name of the Lord

quote 6906  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

One must use one’s mouth to utter His Naam and remember Him. One must not utter rude idioms as that mouth becomes filthy. The mouth that utters His Naam (in meditation or singing) has submitted to Waheguru and will be accepted by Waheguru: the One God


S ome pass their lives as actors, acting and dancing Some pass their lives taking the lives of others Some pass their lives ruling by intimidation The Saints pass their lives chanting the Lord’s Praises

quote 6905  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Life is precious and one should maximise it by remembering Waheguru through naam simran (meditation) or kirtan (singing His praises). One can waste it through fruitless acts of intimidating others for self gain or act in a manner to make themselves look important when that is not true. These are things that will remain behind, concentrate on remembering Waheguru and your life goals will be fulfilled here and hereafter


S ome pass their lives in Yoga, strict meditation, worship and adoration Some, in sickness, sorrow and doubt Some pass their lives practicing control of the breath The Saints pass their lives singing the Kirtan of the Lord’s Praises

quote 6904  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

So what if one learns how to control one’s breath and can meditate. Still some suffer sickness and pain, others live yogic lives. One must go through this life time which has been obtained through His grace. Remember Waheguru: the One God who is one’s creator and master


S ome pass their lives gambling Some pass their lives getting drunk Some pass their lives stealing the property of others The humble servants of the Lord pass their lives meditating on the Naam

quote 6903  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

One has been given the life of a human and this is the time to remember Him and be one with Him. So do not indulge in gambling, drinking and stealing, instead spend time in meditation and conduct acts of worship so that the time on this earth is put to good use


N ight and day, he sings the Kirtan of the Lord’s Praises, O Beloved, totally filled with Ambrosial Nectar He crosses over the sea of pain, O Beloved, and swims across the terrifying world-ocean One who is pleasing to His Will, He unites with Himself, O Beloved; he is forever true

quote 6902  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Remember Waheguru: the One God all the time. During the day and during the night and sing His praises. With Him on one’s side one crosses over this world ocean into the safety of the One God. He will unite you with Him


A s far as possible, do not associate with the faithless cynics, O Beloved Meeting with them, the Lord is forgotten, O Beloved, and you rise and depart with a blackened face

quote 6901  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

One must remember Waheguru: the One God who gives us everything. Forgetting Him will only lead to pain. Mixing with those who remember Him will encourage one to do the same and obtain His love


D o not indulge in envy and bickering, O my mind By continually doing good deeds, comforts are obtained, O my mind

quote 6900  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Good deeds add to merits that Waheguru: the One God wants us to gain. Good deeds are not bickering about or envying others. It is not about why they have things that I should have. What happens and what one gets is in His hukum (His Order) so accept what one has and continue to indulge in good deeds and thoughts. He is the knower of our hearts and He will provide


T he Supreme Lord God takes care of His humble servant The slanderers are not allowed to stay; they are pulled out by their roots, like useless weeds

quote 6899  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Never slander another. Remember we are all His creation and He exists in all His creation. He does not take lightly to slanders. Those who slander the truthful will be pulled out by the roots like a weed. Be humble and do not let anger make your tongue utter evil comments


T o take what rightfully belong to another, is like a Muslim eating pork and a Hindu eating beef Our Guru, Our Spiritual Guide, stands by us, if we do not eat these carcasses By mere talk, people do not earn passage to heaven. Salvation comes only from the practice of Truth

quote 6898  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

When one takes what is not theirs to take and makes excuses to justify their action, then falseness expands within one. Through false deeds only falsehood is obtained. Good truthful actions speak volumes and through this truthful path salvation can be obtained


O ne who is not affected by pleasure or pain, who looks upon friend and enemy alike Says Guru Nanak, listen, mind: know that such a person is liberated

quote 6897  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
ANG 1427 SGGSJi 

One must realise that happiness and sadness are momentary and these moments will pass. See Waheguru’s light; the One God’s light in friends and foe. The path of liberation is in seeing equality in all


I have burnt in the fire the clever devices and praises of the world Some speak good of me, and some speak ill of me, but I have surrendered my body to You

quote 6896  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

When something is right but not popular amongst people, do not focus on peoples’ comments. One should go ahead and do the right thing. Waheguru’s path is truth from beginning to eternity and opinions come and go. Other may have their own opinions; stay steadfast on the path of truth


D on’t indulge in slander for any reason, for everything is the creation of the Master One who is blessed with the Mercy of my Almighty, meditates on HIS Name in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy

quote 6895  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

One must not slander others as all that happens is controlled by Waheguru: the One God thus commenting on what has happened is foolish. One must concentrate on more fruitful activities like joining the congregation of holy people and recite the name of Waheguru


O ne obtains what is pre-ordained; why does he blame others? If one, as Gurmukh, hears and believes in the Name, the charm against poison, his mind becomes content

quote 6894  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
ANG 1009 SGGSJi 

Remember that what one gets is what one deserves. There is nothing in life that one got that they should not have as all is ordained by Waheguru, the One God. As a Gurmukh (follower of truthful living) contentment becomes a virtue that helps accept and realise the power of Waheguru


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