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The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

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A s in the sky flies the white-clothed crane,
Keeping its mind behind,
In its heart continually remembering its young ones;
So the true Guru keeps the disciple absorbed in the love of God,
And also keeps him in his heart.

quote 4362  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
Adi Granth, Gauri, M.4 


J ust as cold disappears by sitting near the fire,
So are sins destroyed in the congregation of saints.

quote 4358  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
Ramkali Ashtpadi, M.5, p. 914 


R ealization of Truth is higher than all else;
Higher still is truthful living.

quote 4353  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
Sri Ashtpadi, M.1, p. 62 


A thousand and hundred thousand feats of intellect shall not accompany man in the hereafter.

quote 4348  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
Adi Granth, Japuji 1, M.1, p. 1 


M y heart is joy-filled, blossoming with love;
Ravished am I by His love--
Love of my eternal Lord.
He is the immortal Lord Supreme,
Whose will nothing restrains;
Gracious, compassionate,
In each one's life involved.
He is my sole knowledge, object of meditation, adoration,
His name in my soul lodged:
Neither ritual garb nor wandering nor austere yoga
Know I to win Him over:
Nanak, true devotion alone conquers His love.

Agreeable is the cool night, followed by happy day;
Thou who art asleep in thy own ego, the Beloved calls thee.
Awakened is the youthful bride to the Lover's call,
In aspect pleasing to Him.
Thou youthful bride! discard falsehood, deceit,
Maya-absorption, concern with the world.
Round my neck I wear the pearl-string of His Name,
The jewel string of His holy Word.
With hands folded Nanak makes supplication:
Show Thy grace, take me into Thy favor!

quote 4346  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
Bilaval Chhant, M.1, p. 843-44 


H ow may I live, Mother, without the Lord?
Glory to Thee, Lord of the Universe!
To praise Thee I seek;
Never without the Lord may I live.
The Bride is athirst for the Lord;
All night is she awake lying in wait for Him.
The Lord has captured my heart;
He alone knows my agony:
Without the Lord the soul is in travail and pain--
Seeking His Word and the touch of His feet.
Show Thy grace, Lord; immerse me in Thyself.

quote 4345  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
Sarang, M.1, p. 1232 


T hose who remember the Lord with every breath, each morsel,
And in whose mind ever abides the spell of the Lord's Name--
Says Nanak, are blessed, perfect devotees.

quote 4339  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji


T hrough faith the mind and intellect find concentration;
And to the seeker are revealed all the stages of enlightenment.
Through faith one will not receive blows in the Hereafter,
Nor be subjected to death's terror.
The great, immaculate Name of God
May only be realized by one
Whose mind is firmly fixed in faith.

Through faith man meets no obstacle on the Path,
And shall proceed to his abode with God with his honor universally
One with faith shall not stray into sects and byways,
But be fixed in true religion.
The great, immaculate Name of God
May only be realized by one
Whose mind is firmly fixed in faith.

Through faith man finds the Door of Liberation:
Even his relatives are liberated through him.
Through faith are both Preceptor and disciple liberated.
Says Nanak, One with faith
Need not wander about begging for divine grace.
The great, immaculate Name of God
May only be realized by one
Whose mind is firmly fixed in faith.

quote 4331  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
Japuji 12-15, M.1, p. 3 


N ow are for us no entanglements or snares,
Nor a bit of egoism left.
Now is all distance annulled, nor are curtains drawn between us.
Thou art mine, I Thine.

quote 4312  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
Bilaval, M.5, p. 821 


W hoever is proud of his royal authority
falls into hell, becomes a dog.
Whoever fancies himself for his beauty
takes birth as a filthy worm.
Whoever proclaims his meritorious deeds
whirls in transmigration, fallen into numerous births.
Whoever is proud of wealth and estates
is thoughtless, blind, senseless.
But whoever in whose heart He, in His grace, lodges humility
finds, says Nanak, liberation in this life,
bliss in the hereafter.

Whoever is proud of his wealth,
Know not even a blade of grass shall accompany him.
Whoever pins his confidence on large hoardes and servants
is destroyed in an instant.
Whoever reckons himself powerful over all
is reduced in an instant to ashes.
Whoever in his pride reckons none as his equal
In the end treated with ignominy by the Master of Law.
Whoever by the Master's grace has his pride anulled,
Says Nanak, finds acceptance at the Divine Portal.

quote 4304  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
Gauri Sukhmani 12, M.5, p. 278 


T heir light is merged into the light of the infinite.

quote 4300  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
Maru Ashtpadi, M.1, p. 1009 


T he holy Preceptor by the Word lighted a lamp;
Thereby was shattered darkness of the temple of the self,
And the unique chamber of jewels thrown open.
Wonderstruck were we in extreme on beholding it--
Its greatness beyond expression.

quote 4293  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
Bilaval, M.5, p. 821 


T he quest of pleasure brings nothing but torment abounding;
Man thus makes of his evil desires only a shackle about the neck.
Thou seeker of false delights, liberation comes only through the love of God.

quote 4284  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
Gauri Ashtpadi, M.1, p. 222 


A s is a well full of frogs
Ignorant of the wide world,
So is my mind deluded by evil passions
Keeping out all thought of the Beyond.
Lord of all universes! show me for one instant a sight of Thee.
Lord! my senses have been fouled;
Thy state I cannot encompass.
Shower on me Thy grace;
Remove my delusions; confer on me true wisdom.
Great yogis for all their praxis
Comprehend not thy Reality inexpressible.
Through love and devotion mayst Thou be known,
Thus says Ravidas the cobbler.

quote 4273  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji


M any are the kinds of seeds sown:
As ripens the fruit, again is left the Sole Supreme Being.
Into thousands of pitchers falls reflection of the one sky;
As the pitcher is broken, the sole Light remains.
While thoughts of maya last, doubt, avarice, and attachment are found;
When illusion is lifted, only the Sole Supreme Being is left.

quote 4270  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
Adi Granth, Suhi, M.5, p. 736 


I n sleep our nights wasted, in filling our belly the days:
This life, precious as a jewel, is forfeited for a cowrie shell.
Ignorant fool! You who have never realized God's Name, In the end into regrets shall fall.

quote 4265  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
Gauri Bairagani, M.1, p. 156 


A las, all my efforts have come to nothing!
I have not lessened my pride,
I have not cast down my vanity:
My mind is still the slave of evil impulses!
Nanak prays, O Lord, save, save!

quote 4263  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji


T here is a stream of fire from which emerge poisonous flames.
There is none else there except the self.
The waves of the ocean of fire are aflame
And the sinners are burning in them.

quote 4252  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji


H igher than all stands the Realm of Grace--
None can have access there except heroes of supreme might,
Inspired by God-consciousness.
In that sphere abide numberless heroines like Sita of surpassing praise
And beauty indescribable.
Those to God united suffer not mortality nor delusion.
In that sphere abide devotees assembled from the various universes,
Cherishing the holy Eternal ever in their hearts.
In everlasting bliss.
The formless Supreme Being abides in the Realm of Eternity.
Over His creation He casts His glance of grace.
In that realm are contained all the continents and universes,
Exceeding in number all count.
Of creation, worlds upon worlds abide therein--
All obedient to His Will;
He watches over them in bliss,
And has each constantly in mind.
Saith Nanak, Such is that realm's [glory] that to try to describe it is to attempt the impossible

quote 4247  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
Japuji 37 M.1, p. 8 


W ho is whose mother? who the father?
All relationships are nominal, false.
Ignorant man! why do you babble as in a dream?
Know, by conjunction made by God, by His Ordinance,
you have come into the world.
All from one clay are made; in all one Light shines.
One breath pervades all, what point is any weeping over another?
Man wails over the loss of what he calls his:
Know, the Self is not perishable.

quote 4230  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
Gauri, M.5, p. 188 


O f the nether worlds and heavens has He created millions; Men exhaust themselves trying to explore them.

quote 4214  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
Japuji 22, M.1, p. 5 


T o the addict, nothing is like his dope;
to the fish, nothing is like water:
But those immersed in the love of God feel love for all things.

quote 4208  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
Wadhans, M.1, p. 557 


W hoever in his self the Supreme Being has lodged,
His name is truly the servant of God:
On his vision has flashed the Lord that is also within the self.
This by utter humility has he obtained.
The servant who ever realizes the Lord to be near,
At the divine Portal finds acceptance.
By divine grace falling on His servant,
Comes to him full realization.
To be with all, yet in his self unattached--
Such a way, says Nanak, to God's servant is known.

One that the Lord's command in mind cherishes,
Is truly to be called Jivan-mukta (liberated while living).
To such a one are joy and sorrow alike;
Ever in joy, never feels he sorrow.
Gold and a clod of earth to him are alike,
As also nectar and foul-tasting poison.
To him are honor and dishonor alike;
Alike also pauper and prince.
One that such a way practices,
Says Nanak, a Jivan-mukta may be called.

quote 4201  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
Gauri Sukhmani 9, M.5, p. 275 


T his is a wonderful, unique discourse:
The living self is the image of the Supreme Being.
It is neither old nor a child;
Neither it suffers pain, nor in death's snare is caught;
It is not shattered nor dies;
In all time it is pervasive.
It feels not heat nor cold;
Neither has it friend nor foe;
It feels not joy nor sorrow:
All is its own; to it belongs all might.
It has neither father nor mother;
Beyond the limits of matter has it ever existed.
Of sin and goodness it feels not the touch--
Within the heart of each being it is ever awake.

quote 4187  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
Gaund, M.5, p. 868 


W hoever vows to tyrannize over the humble and the meek,
The Supreme Lord burns him in flames.
The Creator dispenses perfect justice
And preserves His devotee.

quote 4173  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
Gauri, M.5, p. 199 


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