World  Sacred  Scriptures

The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

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L ive, live, live forever Rise early each day, and drink in the Nectar of the Lord With your tongue, chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, Har, Har.

quote 7044  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
ANG 1138 SGGSJi 

In this shabad Guru Arjan Dev Ji the fifth Guru shows us how to live a remarkable life. Doing the above daily one does not die to be reborn again and again. Instead one merges into His light and lives forever


T he Lord’s Name does not abide within their hearts - their mothers should have been sterile These bodies wander around, forlorn and abandoned, without the Name; their lives waste away, and they die, crying out in pain

quote 7043  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

A very strong message from Guru Ram Das Ji the fourth Guru that those who do not remember the One Lord should not have come to this earth. They are wasting their lives and will suffer. One should never forget the True Lord and one must do good deeds and engage in meditation


O f all religions, the best religion is to chant the Name of the Lord and maintain pure conduct

quote 7042  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Guru Arjan Dev Ji the fifth Guru reminds us that of all the religions the best is that of chanting the Lords name. In doing so one pleases the True God. One also maintains pure conduct. Remember Him in every breath and every morsel of food: He will be closer to you


T he remembrance of God is the highest and most exalted of all In the remembrance of God, many are saved

quote 7041  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

In all religions meditation on the Naam is emphasised and it is pivotal in attaining enlightenment. This is stated above by Guru Arjan Dev Ji the fifth Guru. One should make meditation part of their daily routines in order to be saved and be one with Him


T hose who committed sins are sure to be ruined Azraa-eel, the Angel of Death, seizes and tortures them

quote 7040  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
ANG 1019 SGGSJi 

Guru Arjan Dev Ji the fifth Guru tells us that when one commits sins that person will be ruined and at the time of death the angel of death will torture him / her. One should lead a truthful life and keep doing good deeds so that the angel of death does not even come near one


W andering around and making mistakes, I climb the plateau; having climbed the plateau, I go up the mountain But now I have lost my way, and I am wandering around in the forest; without the Guru, I do not understand If I wander around forgetting God’s Name, I shall continue coming and going in reincarnation, over and over again

quote 7039  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Only with the guidance of a Guru can one find the path to Waheguru: the True God. Do not wander around, listen and follow the teachings of the Guru and one shall not be lost again in the cycle of reincarnation


Y ou shall be born and born again, and die and die again, only to be reincarnated again You shall suffer terrible punishment, on your way to the land beyond The mortal does not know the One who created him; he is blind, and so he shall suffer

quote 7038  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
ANG 1020 SGGSJi 

Guru Arjan Dev Ji the fifth Guru very strictly reminds us here that those who don’t remember his / her creator and do not meditate will not only be in the cycle of reincarnation, they will also suffer pain and punishment on the way to the world hereafter. One should remember Waheguru: the True God at all times and then one shall not suffer


Y ou happily, cheerfully steal the possessions of others but the Lord God is with you, watching and listening Through worldly greed, you have fallen into the pit; you know nothing of the future

quote 7037  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
ANG 1020 SGGSJi 

Guru Arjan Dev Ji the fifth Guru talks about those who go about stealing and committing other wrongful deeds. Guru Ji reminds us that Waheguru: the True Lord is watching all the time, nothing can be hidden from Him. Greed has guided such people to fall and they have lost this precious life in wrong doings


O ne who turns away from the Guru, and becomes baymukh - without the True Guru, he shall not find liberation

quote 7036  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

One must have a Guru (a spiritual teacher) in order to gain liberation. If one turns away from the Guru then they will have no guidance to gain spiritual benefits and will not be one with Waheguru: the True Lord


R enouncing selfishness and conceit, he remains always on the side of the Guru; he does not know anyone except the Guru Says Nanak, listen, O Saints: such a Sikh turns toward the Guru with sincere faith, and becomes sunmukh

quote 7035  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
ANG 919 – 920 SGGSJi 

One has to give up selfish and egoistical behaviour and turn to their Guru (spiritual teacher). One who turns to their Guru and does as his / her Guru says becomes His devotee. One must do as the Guru says and remain one with Him


W ith my eyes, I have seen the Light of the Lord, but my great thirst is not quenched O Nanak, those eyes are different, which behold my Husband Lord

quote 7034  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Guru Arjan Dev Ji the fifth Guru tells us about Darshan (seeing Him) of Waheguru the True Lord. One has to nurture their vision so that one can see the True Lord. The eyes that see Him are different to the ones that we see the world with


S uch is the service which the Lord’s servant performs that he dedicates his soul to the Lord, to whom it belongs One who is pleasing to the Lord and Master is acceptable Such a servant obtains honor in the Court of the Lord

quote 7033  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Guru Nanak Dev Ji the first Guru tells us above who a true servant of God is. Only those who are pleasing to the True Lord are accepted and once accepted true honour is obtained in the Court of the Lord. One should perform service by dedicating their soul to the True Lord and then only will one be accepted by the True Lord


S urrender body, mind, wealth, and everything to the Guru; obey the Order of His Will, and you will find Him Obey the Hukam of the Guru’s Command, and sing the True Word of His Bani

quote 7032  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Guru Amar Das Ji the third Guru tells us above how to become a true devotee. One should follow these instructions and follow the command of their spiritual teacher in order to gain acceptance by the True Lord


T he Lord’s servant is the one who commits himself to the Guru’s service, and dedicates his mind and body as an offering to Him He dedicates his mind and body to Him, placing great faith in Him; the Guru lovingly unites His servant with Himself

quote 7031  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Guru Ram Das Ji the fourth Guru defines above who a true devotee is as one who has surrendered his body and mind to his Guru (spiritual teacher). A true devotee will not hesitate to do what a Guru asks of him / her. One should follow the instructions of his / her Guru and not do what one’s mind wants


T he hunger of the hungry is not appeased; by mere words, hunger is not relieved O Nanak, hunger is relieved only when one utters the Glorious Praises of the Praiseworthy Lord

quote 7030  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Guru Nanak Dev Ji the first Guru tells us that nobody has satisfied their hunger through one’s senses. The hunger for pleasure can only be satisfied by singing praises of the True Lord. Then only can one merge into the true Lord and hunger will be satisfied


G od is present, right here at hand; why do you say that He is far away? Tie up your disturbing passions, and find the Beauteous Lord

quote 7029  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
ANG 1160 SGGSJi 

We are currently in the age of Kal yug – Age of the Dark. Guru Ji tells us to silent our inside noises so we can consciously mediate on the True God. In this dark age one must remember He is not far away and He can be attained through meditation. A scattered conscious will not attain spiritual benefit so Bhagat Kabir tells us to silent the inner noises and attain bliss


W hile you work at your job, on the road and at the beach, meditate and chant

quote 7028  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Guru Arjan Dev Ji the fifth Guru tells us here to meditate and chant continuously. One may question how that can be done. If one accepts His hukum to chant then one will see that it is physically possible. If one doubts then one asks such questions and cannot perform meditation whole heartedly. Remember Him continually and accept His command


W hile standing up, and sitting down, and even while asleep, meditate on the Lord Walking on the Way, sing the Praises of the Lord

quote 7027  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Devotional worship is stressed upon throughout Guru Ji’s Bani – the teaching of the Gurus. One is advised to meditate continuously. Meditate at every opportunity so that one day you will become one with God


H e alone is a Sikh, a friend, a relative and a sibling, who walks in the Way of the Guru’s Will One who walks according to his own will, O Siblings of Destiny, suffers separation from the Lord, and shall be punished

quote 7026  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

One must be mindful that when one is about to perform a deed or is about to say something first verify in your mind whether it will be acceptable to Guru Ji. If it is within the teachings of the Guru then go ahead. If not then refrain and do not say or do something that will lead to separation from the Lord and punishment endured


F areed, the farmer plants acacia trees, and wishes for grapes He is spinning wool, but he wishes to wear silk

quote 7025  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
ANG 1379 SGGSJi 

Bhagat Fareed Ji put this beautifully that although one commits bad and immoral deeds he / she still expects to have rewards from Waheguru: the True Lord. One must perform good deeds and be engaged in devotional worship if one wants to be rewarded and have a peaceful life


A s you plant, so shall you harvest; your destiny is recorded on your forehead

quote 7024  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Yet another reminder that our actions in this life will determine whether we enjoy peace or endure pain. Our deeds are recorded and depending on good or bad karma our destiny will be recorded. One should plant what one is willing to harvest


R enounce false greed, and meditate single-mindedly on the unseen Lord As are the actions we commit, so are the rewards we receive

quote 7023  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Guru Nanak Dev Ji advises us to meditate on Waheguru: the True Lord and to give up greed. Whatever actions we commit for satisfying our greed and whatever actions of devotion we do will be recorded. Punishments and/or rewards will be accordingly given. One should be mindful of one’s actions at all times


O ne who is pleasing to God shall not be reincarnated again

quote 7022  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Guru Arjan Dev Ji the fifth Guru tells us to be pleasing to God. How are we pleasing to God? - By being absorbed in devotional worship of Waheguru: the True God and performing good deeds through selfless service. Then He will cut away the cycle of birth and rebirth. One shall not be reincarnated again


A s we act, so are the rewards we receive; no one can take the place of another

quote 7021  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

One is responsible for whatever deeds one performs or are carried out at their command. Guru Arjan Dev Ji the fifth Guru advises us that when one carries out good or bad deeds that person is answerable. No other person can step in to take the blame or credit. So one should think twice before performing any bad deeds


D on’t do anything that you will regret in the end

quote 7020  |   The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Guru Amar Das Ji the third Guru advises us not to commit a deed that one may regret later. One should think seriously before committing a bad or immoral act


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