J erusalem was destroyed just because school-children were kept from their classrooms. synagogue quote 6628 | The Talmud Shabbat share
B lessed is the son who studies with his father, and blessed is the father who teaches his son. synagogue quote 6621 | The Talmud share
T he man who divorces is not in the same situation as a woman divorced. synagogue quote 6618 | The Talmud Yevamot share
A ny time of the day is good for confession. synagogue quote 6614 | The Talmud Talmud Yerushalmi, Yoma share
A man’s character is revealed in three things: in his cup, in his purse, and in his anger. synagogue quote 6612 | The Talmud Eiruvin share
T here used to be a very good custom in Jerusalem: a table-cloth was spread at the door ––– so long as it was in place, guests would enter the house. When it was removed, they would not. synagogue quote 6610 | The Talmud Bava Batra share
W retched the creatures that see and know not what they see. synagogue quote 6608 | The Talmud Chagigah share
T o earn a living is as hard as the parting of the Red Sea. synagogue quote 6601 | The Talmud Pesachim share
W hoever causes the loss of a single soul is as though he caused the loss of a world entire, and whoever saves one is as though he saved a universe. synagogue quote 6599 | The Talmud Sanhedrin share
W eep for the mourners and not for the dead, for he is gone to his rest and we are left to lament. synagogue quote 6596 | The Talmud Mo’ed Qatan share
W hen the president enters, all rise and none sits until he says: Be seated! synagogue quote 6594 | The Talmud Horayot share
Y ou cannot liken the self-taught man to the schooled. synagogue quote 6589 | The Talmud Ketubot share
T hree things drain a man’s health: worry, travel and sin. synagogue quote 6584 | The Talmud Gittin 70a share
J ewellery is only elegant if the wearer is. synagogue quote 6581 | The Talmud Talmud Yerushalmi, Nedarim share
E ven the Divine Presence is unimportant to an angry man. synagogue quote 6575 | The Talmud Nedarim share
S hutting one’s eye from charity is like worshipping idols. synagogue quote 6573 | The Talmud Talmud Yerushalmi , Peah share
T o partake of a meal at which a great scholar is present is to feast upon the refulgence of the Divine Presence. synagogue quote 6571 | The Talmud Berakot 64a share
H onour your father ––– even if you have to go begging from door to door. synagogue quote 6567 | The Talmud Talmud Yerushalmi, Peah share
T o promote peace, we support the poor of the heathen, visit their sick and bury their dead, along with the poor, the sick, and the dead of Israel. synagogue quote 6556 | The Talmud Gittin share