K nowledge is of two kinds, that which is derived from scripture, and that which is derived from reflection. temple_hindu quote 8949 | Bhagavata Purana Vishnu Purana, Tr. Horace Hayman Wilson, 6.5.642 share
A considerate man will always cultivate, in act, thought, and speech, that which is good for living beings . . . . temple_hindu quote 8948 | Bhagavata Purana Vishnu Purana, Tr. Horace Hayman Wilson, 3.12.45 share
W ealth, pleasure, virtue, are things of little moment. temple_hindu quote 8947 | Bhagavata Purana Vishnu Purana, Tr. Horace Hayman Wilson, 1.17.133 share
O ne may do penance but not have conquered anger; one may have knowledge without detachment; indeed a man may be great, but all the same be a prey to desire. temple_hindu quote 8946 | Bhagavata Purana Bhagavata Purana, 8 share
W ith material gains and desires, there is no satisfaction; such is avarice. temple_hindu quote 8945 | Bhagavata Purana Bhagavata Purana, 8 share
O ne contented with what happens to him of itself is haµppy. temple_hindu quote 8944 | Bhagavata Purana Bhagavata Purana, 8 share
K eep your mind calm and serene; your own real enemy is your own rebellious mind. temple_hindu quote 8943 | Bhagavata Purana Bhagavata Purana, 7 share
Y our days are like shadow, you will not prolong it, . . . Half of your life you spend in sleep; part is wasted in youthful carelessness and another in the helplessness of old age; and the remaining balance is spent in wallowing in the trivial pleasures of domestic or sensuous life. temple_hindu quote 8942 | Bhagavata Purana Bhagavata Purana, 5.7 share
T o one who has denuded himself of all slumber, subdued his mind, is tranquil, serene and contented, there is happiness everywhere. temple_hindu quote 8941 | Bhagavata Purana Bhagavata Purana, 11 share
E verybody reaps the fruit of his own deeds. temple_hindu quote 8940 | Bhagavata Purana Bhagavata Purana, 10.413 share