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The wisdom of Bistami

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T he first time I entered the Holy House,” said Bayazid, I saw the Holy House. The second time I entered it, I saw the Lord of the House. The third time I saw neither the House nor the Lord of the House.

By this Bayazid meant, I became lost in God, so that I knew nothing. Had I seen at all, I would have been God.

mosque quote 2973  | 
Essential Sufism, by James Fadiman & Robert Frager, Harper SanFrancisco, p.245 


I came out of Bayazid-ness as a snake from its skin. Then I looked. I saw that lover, Beloved, and love are one because in that state of unification all can be one.

mosque quote 2972  | 
Essential Sufism, by James Fadiman & Robert Frager, Harper SanFrancisco, p.250 


F or thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought.

mosque quote 2925  | 
Essential Sufism, by James Fadiman & Robert Frager, Harper SanFrancisco, p.96 


W hen you are separate from the Kaaba [the holy shrine in Mecca, the place all Muslims turn toward when they pray], it is all right to turn toward it, but those who are in it can turn toward any direction they wish.

mosque quote 2898  | 
Essential Sufism, by James Fadiman & Robert Frager, Harper SanFrancisco, p.77 


Y ou will not be a mystic until you are like the earth-both the righteous and the sinner tread upon it-and until you are like the clouds-they shade all things-and until you are like the rain-it waters all things, whether it loves them or not.

mosque quote 2867  | 
Essential Sufism, by James Fadiman & Robert Frager, Harper SanFrancisco, p.40 


Page:  1
On other page(s):  History and calligraphy of Bistami

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