Inter-  Faiths  Dialogue

Classics > Realization

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G ive ear then, for the Immortal Is found. I reveal, I set forth the Truth. As I reveal it to you, so act! And that supreme goal of the holy life, for the sake of which sons of good families go forth from home to the homeless state: this you will, in no long time, in this very life, make known to yourself, realize and attain.

quote 2473  | 
Majjhima Nikaya, 26 

B ut each one has to struggle for himself, the Perfect Ones have only pointed out the way.

quote 2472  | 
Khuddaka Nikaya, Dhammapada, 276 

Y et there are beings whose eyes are only a little covered with dust: they will understand the truth.

quote 2455  | 
Majjhima Nikaya, 26 

A nswer: People fail to realize that the highest good is in their minds and seek it outside. As they believe that everything or every event has its own definite principle, they search for the highest good in individual things. Consequently, the mind becomes fragmentary, isolated, broken into pieces; mixed and confused, it has no definite direction. Once it is realized that the highest good is in the mind and does not depend on any search outside, then the mind will have definite direction and there will be no danger of its becoming fragmentary, isolated, broken into pieces, mixed, or confused. When there is no such danger, the mind will not be erroneously perturbed but will be tranquil. Not being erroneously perturbed but being tranquil, it will be leisurely and at ease in its daily functioning and will attain peaceful repose. Being in peaceful repose, whenever a thought arises or an event acts upon it, the mind with its innate knowledge will thoroughly sift and carefully examine whether or not the thought or event is in accord with the highest good, and thus the mind can deliberate. With deliberation, every decision will be excellent and every act will be proper, and in this way the highest good will be attained.

quote 2423  | 
Wang Wen-ch'eng Kung ch'uan-shu, or Complete Works of Wang Yang-ming, Inquiry on the Great Learning, in Wing-Tsit Chan, Chinese Philosophy, Chapter 35 

Q uestion: Then why does the learning of the great man consist in "abiding in the highest good ?” (1)
Answer: The highest good is the ultimate principle of manifesting character and loving people. The nature endowed in us by Heaven is pure and perfect. The fact that it is intelligent, clear, and not beclouded is evidence of the emanation and revelation of the highest good. It is the original substance of the clear character which is called innate knowledge of the good. As the highest good emanates and reveals itself, we will consider right as right and wrong as wrong.

quote 2421  | 
Wang Wen-ch'eng Kung ch'uan-shu, or Complete Works of Wang Yang-ming, Inquiry on the Great Learning, in Wing-Tsit Chan, Chinese Philosophy, Chapter 35 

(1) The text of the Great Learning.

T he Four Beginnings (of humanity, righteousness, propriety, and wisdom) are all originally present in the self. Nothing need be added from the outside.

quote 2414  | 
Complete Work of Lu Hsiang-shan (Hsiang-shan ch’uan-chi), 35:22a, in Wing-Tsit Chan, Chinese Philosophy, Chapter 33 

C ollect your spirit. Be your own master. "All things are already complete in oneself. (1) What is it that is lacking? When I should be commiserative, I am naturally commiserative. When I should be ashamed, liberal, generous, affectionate, tender, or strong and firm, I am naturally so.

quote 2412  | 
Complete Work of Lu Hsiang-shan (Hsiang-shan ch’uan-chi), 35:18a, in Wing-Tsit Chan, Chinese Philosophy, Chapter 33 

P rinciple exists in the universe without any obstruction. It is only that you sink from it, hide yourself in darkness as in the trap, and loose all sense of what is high and far beyond. It is imperative that this trap be decisively broken and the confining net be penetrated and destroyed

quote 2411  | 
Complete Work of Lu Hsiang-shan (Hsiang-shan ch’uan-chi), 35:15b-16a, in Wing-Tsit Chan, Chinese Philosophy, Chapter 33 

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