L et him eagerly follow the (customs which are) auspicious and the rule of good conduct, be careful of purity, and control all his organs, let him mutter (prayers) and, untired, daily offer oblations in the fire. temple_hindu quote 8437 | The Law of Manu The Law of Manu, Tr. George Buhler, 4.145 share
L et him not insult those who have redundant limbs or are deficient in limbs, nor those destitute of knowledge, nor very aged men, nor those who have no beauty or wealth, nor those who are of low birth. temple_hindu quote 8436 | The Law of Manu The Law of Manu, Tr. George Buhler, 4.141 share
H e who desires happiness must strive after a perfectly contented disposition and control himself; for happiness has contentment for its root, the root of unhappiness is the contrary (disposition). temple_hindu quote 8435 | The Law of Manu The Law of Manu, Tr. George Buhler, 4.12 share
W here the husband is pleased with his wife and the wife with her husband, happiness will assuredly be lasting. temple_hindu quote 8434 | The Law of Manu The Law of Manu, Tr. George Buhler, 3.60 share
T hat trouble (and pain) which the parents undergo on (their) birth of their children, cannot be compensated even in a hundred years. temple_hindu quote 8433 | The Law of Manu The Law of Manu, Tr. George Buhler, 2.227 share
W ay must be made for a man in a carriage, for one who is above ninety years old, for one diseased, for the carrier of a burden, for a woman, for a Snataka, for the king, and for a bridegroom. temple_hindu quote 8432 | The Law of Manu The Law of Manu, Tr. George Buhler, 2.138 share
( Even forgetful) students of the (sacred) books are more distinguished than the ignorant, those who remember them surpass the (forgetful) students, those who possess a knowledge (of the meaning) are more distinguished than those who (only) remember (the words), men who follow (the teaching of the texts) surpass those who (merely) know (their meaning). temple_hindu quote 8431 | The Law of Manu The Law of Manu, Tr. George Buhler, 12.103 share
I n whatever order (a man) who knows the true meaning of the Veda-science may dwell, he becomes even while abiding in this world, fit for the union with Brahman. temple_hindu quote 8430 | The Law of Manu The Law of Manu, Tr. George Buhler, 1886, 12.102 share
T here should be no error in the duties towards the gods and [men] . . . . Let your mother be a goddess unto you. Let your father be a god unto you. Let your teacher be a god unto you. Let your guest be a god unto you. The works that are not blameworthy are to be resorted to, but not the others. temple_hindu quote 8428 | The Upanishads Taittiriya Upanishad, Tr. Swami Gambhirananda, I-xi-2-4 share
T he offering should be with modesty. The offering should be with awe. The offering should be with sympathy. temple_hindu quote 8427 | The Upanishads Taittiriya Upanishad, Tr. Swami Gambhirananda, I-xi-2-4 share
J ust as the Brahmanas do, who may happen to be there and who are able deliberators, who are adepts in those duties and customs, who are not directed by others, who are not cruel, who are desirous of merit. This is the injunction. This is the instruction. temple_hindu quote 8426 | The Upanishads Taittiriya Upanishad, Tr. Swami Gambhirananda, I-xi-2-4 share
“ Speak the truth. Practise righteousness. Make no mistake about study. Having offered the desirable wealth to the teacher, do not cut off the line of progeny. There should be no inadvertence about truth. There should be no deviation from righteous activity. There should be no error about protection of yourself. Do not neglect propitious activities. Do not be careless about learning and teaching. temple_hindu quote 8425 | The Upanishads Taittiriya Upanishad, Tr. Swami Gambhirananda, I-xi-1 share
E very thought of men is interwoven with the senses, and when thought is purified, then the Self arises temple_hindu quote 8417 | The Upanishads Mundaka Upanishad, Tr. Max Müller, III.1.9 share
K now the Self to be the master of the chariot, and the body to be the chariot. Know the intellect to be the charioteer, and the mind to be the reins. temple_hindu quote 8416 | The Upanishads Katha Upanishad, Tr. Vidyavachaspati V. Panoli, 1-III-3 share
B eing left by the living self this body surely dies, but the living self does not die. temple_hindu quote 8415 | The Upanishads Chandogya Upanishad, Tr. Swami Swahananda, VI-xi-3 share
A nd his austerity, gifts, uprightness, non-violence, and truthfulness – all these are the largesses of this sacrifice. temple_hindu quote 8414 | The Upanishads Chandogya Upanishad, Tr. Swami Swahananda, III-xvii-4 share
T he Self cannot be attained by the study of the Vedas, not by intelligence nor by much hearing. Only by him who seeks to know the Self can It be attained. To him the Self reveals Its own nature. temple_hindu quote 8413 | The Upanishads Katha Upanishad, Tr. Vidyavachaspati V. Panoli, 1-II-23 share
N one who performs good deeds, comes to an evil end. temple_hindu quote 8412 | The Bhagavat Gita Bhagavadgîtâ, Tr. Kâshinâth Trimbak Telang, 6.72 share
T he wise grieve not for those who live; and they grieve not for those who die—for life and death shall pass away. temple_hindu quote 8411 | The Bhagavat Gita Bhagavad Gita, 2.11 share
A gift is pure when it is given from the heart to the right person at the right time and at the right place, and when we expect nothing in return. temple_hindu quote 8410 | The Bhagavat Gita Bhagavad Gita, 17.20 share
I f you wish to practise goodness, first control your mind. temple_hindu quote 8095 | Jiddu Krishnamurti Lord Superior Fu You Heart Sutra share
M ind acts as a leader and governs every bone of one’s body and manage one’s affection. Mind has no substance or form. Mind is awarded by the Heavens and has good conscience and ability. temple_hindu quote 8094 | Jiddu Krishnamurti Lord Superior Fu You Heart Sutra share
O f all the creatures of nature, humans are the most intelligent. A human person is intelligent not by virtue of his body, but of his mind. temple_hindu quote 8093 | Jiddu Krishnamurti Lord Superior Fu You Heart Sutra share
I f you are able to control your mind, your surroundings will be serene and peaceful. temple_hindu quote 8092 | Jiddu Krishnamurti Lord Superior Fu You Heart Sutra share
O ne’s intrinsic quality of mind is gradually lost if one’s spirit is restricted or one’s desire is constructed. When one’s mind is lost, one’s body will collapse. temple_hindu quote 8091 | Jiddu Krishnamurti Lord Superior Fu You Heart Sutra share