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S ages whose sins have been washed away, whose sense of separateness has vanished, who have subdued themselves, and seek only the welfare of all, come to the Eternal Spirit.

temple_hindu quote 7621  | 


S peak the truth. Practice dharma. Do not neglect the study of the Vedas. . . . Treat your mother as god. Treat your father as god. Treat your teacher as god. . . . Whatever deeds are faultless, these are to be performed, not others. . . . . . . you should conduct yourself in such a way as brahmanas would conduct themselves — brahmanas who are competent to judge, who of their own accord are devoted to good deeds and are not urged to their performance by others, and who are not cruel, but are lovers of dharma. This is the teaching. This is the secret wisdom of the Vedas. This is the command of God.

temple_hindu quote 7620  | 
Taittiriya Upanishad, Book 1, chap. 11, sec.1-4 


T risanku proclaimed after the attainment of the Knowledge of the Self: I am the mover of the tree of the universe. My fame rises high, like a mountain peak. My root is the Supremely Pure Brahman. I am the unstained essence of the Self, like the nectar of immortality that resides in the sun. I am the brightest treasure. I am the shinning wisdom. I am immortal and imperishable.

temple_hindu quote 7619  | 
Taittiriya Upanishad, Book 1, chap. 10, sec.1 


T he wise one who has realized that his own higher Self has become all, and sees the oneness of entire existence (non-dual), what sorrow and what delusion can overwhelm him?

temple_hindu quote 7618  | 
Ishavashya Upanishad 1:7 


T hat knowledge which sees the One Indestructible in all beings, the One Indivisible in all separate lives, may be truly called Pure Knowledge.

temple_hindu quote 7617  | 


H e who experiences the unity of life sees his own Self in all beings, and all beings in his own Self, and looks on everything with an impartial eye.

temple_hindu quote 7616  | 


T he wise one perceives one’s own higher Self in all, and all in one’s own higher Self. Therefore, he does not hate or injure anyone. Such a person loves everybody as one loves God.

temple_hindu quote 7615  | 
Ishavashya Upanishad 1:6 


T he Supreme Lord is higher than Brahma and even beyond Brahman. He is vast and hidden in the bodies of all living beings. By knowing Him, who alone pervades the entire universe, one become immortal.

temple_hindu quote 7614  | 
Shvetashvatara Upanishad 3:7 


I t is the non-dual Self that exists at all times — before and during the creation and after dissolution of the universe. It assumes manifold powers and appears as the Divine Lord . . . He is the protector of all the worlds . . . Those who realize this Being, become immortal.

temple_hindu quote 7613  | 
Shvetashvatara Upanishad, 3:1 


H e (the Self ) is all-pervading, radiant, bodiless, spotless, all-powerful, pure, untouched by sin and all-seeing, all-knowing, transcendent, and self-existent. He assigns duty and properly gives the fruits of one’s karma.

temple_hindu quote 7612  | 
Ishavashya Upanishad 1:8 


F ix thy mind on Me, devote thyself to Me, sacrifice for Me, surrender to Me, make Me the object of thy aspirations, and thou shalt assuredly become one with Me, Who am thine own Self.

temple_hindu quote 7611  | 

cf.‘Only by tireless devotion can I be seen and known . . . He whose every action is done for My sake, to whom I am the final goal, who loves Me only and hates no one – O My dearest son, only he can realize Me!’ (The Bhagavad Gita 11:54-55)


I am the same to all beings. I favour none, and I hate none. But those who worship Me devotedly, they live in Me, and I in them. Even the most sinful, if he worship Me with his whole heart, shalt be considered righteous, for he is treading the right path.

temple_hindu quote 7610  | 


O Thou Supremest Self, greater than the Powers of creation, the First Cause, Infinite, the Lord of Lords, the Home of the universe, Imperishable, Being and Not-Being, yet transcending both. Thou art the Primal God, the Ancient, the Supreme Abode of this universe, the Knower, the Knowledge and the Final Home. Thou fillest everything. Thy form is infinite.

temple_hindu quote 7609  | 


A gain and again, salutation be to Thee, O my Lord! Salutations to Thee in front and on every side, Thou who encompasseth me round about. Thy power is infinite; Thy majesty immeasurable; thou upholdest all things; yea,Thou Thyself art All.

temple_hindu quote 7608  | 

cf.‘Without beginning, without middle and without end, infinite in power, Thine arms all-embracing, the sun and moon Thine eyes, Thy face beaming with the fire of sacrifice,flooding the whole universe with light.’ (The Bhagavad Gita 11:19)


A ll faces are his faces; all head, His heads; all necks, His necks. He dwells in the causal hearts of all beings. He is the all-pervading Bhagavan. Therefore He is the omnipresent and merciful Lord.

temple_hindu quote 7607  | 
Shvetashvatara Upanishad 3:11 


H ere in Me living as one, O Arjuna, behold the whole universe, movable and immovable, and anything else that thou wouldst see!

temple_hindu quote 7606  | 


I have no beginning . . . Whenever spirituality decays and materialism is rampant, then, O Arjuna, I reincarnate Myself! To protect the righteous, to destroy the wicked and to establish the kingdom of God, I am reborn from age to age. . . . Howsoever men try to worship Me, so do I welcome them. By whatever path they travel, it leads to Me at last.

temple_hindu quote 7604  | 


F aith is like our life’s breath. It is impossible to live even for a minute in this world without faith.

temple_hindu quote 5659  |   Satya Sai Baba


B igotry tries to keep truth safe in its hand with a grip that kills it.

temple_hindu quote 5658  |   Tagore


B efore embarking on important undertakings, sit quietly, calm your senses and thoughts and meditate deeply. You will then be guided by the great creative power of Spirit.

temple_hindu quote 5657  |   Paramhansa Yogananda


B e. Don’t try to become. Within these two words, be and becoming, your whole life is contained. Being is enlightenment, becoming is ignorance.

temple_hindu quote 5656  |   Osho


D o not say, it is morning, and dismiss it with a name of yesterday. See it for the first time as a newborn child that has no name.

temple_hindu quote 5655  |   Tagore


K nowingly or unknowingly, consciously or unconsciously, in whatever state we utter His name, we acquire the merit of such utterance. A man who voluntarily goes into a river and bathes therein gets the benefit of the bath; so does likewise he who has been pushed into the river by another, or who while sleeping soundly has water thrown upon him by another.

temple_hindu quote 5654  | 


S o long as we believe in our heart of hearts that our capacity is limited and we grow anxious and unhappy, we are lacking in faith. One who truly trusts in God has no right to be anxious about anything.

temple_hindu quote 5653  |   Paramhansa Yogananda


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