A nger and wrath are angels of destruction. synagogue quote 6646 | The Talmud Talmud Yerushalmi, Ta’anit share
I f you do not respect your parents, your children will not respect you. synagogue quote 6645 | The Moré Névoukhim share
H ate is like a channel made by water: it widens continually. synagogue quote 6644 | The Talmud Sanhedrin 7a share
W ho is a hero? The man that turns an enemy into a friend. synagogue quote 6643 | Rabbi Nathan Avot share
W here there’s music, pour not out talk. synagogue quote 6642 | Jeshua ben Sirach Apocrypha: Ben Sira share
N ot the expounding of the Law is the important matter but the doing of it. synagogue quote 6641 | The Pirkei Avot 1:17 share
T here is hope of healing every hatred, save his that hates you out of envy. synagogue quote 6640 | The Mivchar Hapeninim share
T here is no peace, says the Lord, unto the wicked. synagogue quote 6639 | The Nevi'im Isaiah (Yesha’yahu) 48:22 share
N ature is saturated with melody; heaven and earth are full of song. synagogue quote 6637 | Rabbin Nachman of Bratslav share
T he prosperity of a country can be seen simply in how it treats its old people. synagogue quote 6636 | Rabbin Nachman of Bratslav share
W e must always hold the reins of the animal within us. synagogue quote 6633 | The Chofetz Chaim share
W hat matters in Man’s life is the eternal life in the world to come. synagogue quote 6631 | Chaim Vital share
W hether you do little or much, let it be out of good intentions. synagogue quote 6630 | The Talmud Shavuot share
E ven if all of a slander is not believed, half of it is. synagogue quote 6629 | The Misdrashs Midrash Genesis R. 56:4 share
J erusalem was destroyed just because school-children were kept from their classrooms. synagogue quote 6628 | The Talmud Shabbat share
F ear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. synagogue quote 6624 | The Book of Proverbs 111:10 share
A man is lucky if his wife, his studies and his livelihood all come from his own town. synagogue quote 6623 | The Misdrashs Midrash Mishle share