A false oath is desecration of the Holy Name. synagogue quote 6572 | The Misdrashs Torat Kohanim share
T o partake of a meal at which a great scholar is present is to feast upon the refulgence of the Divine Presence. synagogue quote 6571 | The Talmud Berakot 64a share
A man should always be happy in his lot, then will he be pleasant and so all his deeds. synagogue quote 6570 | The Misdrashs Midrash Le’Olam share
T he work of righteousness shall be peace. synagogue quote 6568 | The Nevi'im Isaiah (Yesha’yahu) 32:17 share
H onour your father ––– even if you have to go begging from door to door. synagogue quote 6567 | The Talmud Talmud Yerushalmi, Peah share
T he man who can’t accept criticism can’t become great. synagogue quote 6566 | Rabbin Nachman of Bratslav share
G ive every man the benefit of the doubt. synagogue quote 6564 | The Sayings of the Fathers 1:7 share
W ho mocks the poor insults his Maker; he who rejoices at their calamity will not go unpunished. synagogue quote 6563 | The Book of Proverbs 17:5 share
D on’t open a shop unless you know how to smile. synagogue quote 6562 | Jewish Proverb Traditional Proverb share
W ho says to the wicked: You are innocent will be cursed by peoples, abhorred by nations. synagogue quote 6561 | The Book of Proverbs 24:24 share
I f you see what needs to be repaired and how to repair it, then you have found a piece of the world that God has left for you to complete. But if you only see what is wrong and how ugly it is, then it is yourself that needs repair. synagogue quote 6558 | Rebbe Menachem Schneerson share
L et your neighbor’s honor be as dear to you as your own! synagogue quote 6557 | The Pirkei Avot 2:12 share
T o promote peace, we support the poor of the heathen, visit their sick and bury their dead, along with the poor, the sick, and the dead of Israel. synagogue quote 6556 | The Talmud Gittin share
W hoso gains wealth, but not of right, will lose it in his prime. synagogue quote 6554 | The Nevi'im Jeremiah (Yirmeyahu) 17:11 share
G od loves those who do not insist upon their privileges. synagogue quote 6553 | The Talmud Pesachim 113a share
W hatever has not happened in a thousand years may happen the next moment. synagogue quote 6552 | Jewish Proverb Ladino Proverb share
G od created the Evil Impulse, but He also created its antidote, the Torah. synagogue quote 6551 | The Talmud Kiddushin 30 b share
T o boast of the help you gave a brother in need is to cancel the good of your deed. synagogue quote 6549 | Samuel Ha-Nagid share