W hen a sharp sword is at his throat, a man does not listen to sense or logic. synagogue quote 6496 | Achad Ha’am share
A ll that you do, do only out of love! synagogue quote 6495 | The Misdrashs Sifre (Midrash halakhah) share
C ursed be he whose wife is faithful and himself is not! synagogue quote 6493 | The Talmud Yerushalmi, Demai share
I t is better to eat herbs and fear no creditors, than eat meat and have to hide from them. synagogue quote 6492 | The Talmud Pesachim 114a share
A man should eat slowly, properly, even if he eats alone. synagogue quote 6490 | Rabbin Nachman of Bratslav share
B y three things is the world sustained: justice, truth and peace. synagogue quote 6485 | The Pirkei Avot 1:17 share
A father suffers for the troubles of his son. synagogue quote 6483 | The Misdrashs Midrash Sekhel Tov share
I f others speak ill of you, let the worst they say seem a trifle; if you speak ill of others, let the trivial seem enormous. synagogue quote 6481 | The Misdrashs Sifre (Midrash halakhah) 89b share
H appy the generation where the big listen to the little! synagogue quote 6480 | The Talmud Rosh Hashana share
O n six days work may be done, but on the seventh day you shall have a Sabbath of complete rest, holy to the Lord. synagogue quote 6478 | The Torah Shmot 35:2 share
F rom a man’s blessings one may know if he be a scholar or not. synagogue quote 6477 | The Talmud Berakhot share
F rom a man’s words you may know if he likes you or hates you. synagogue quote 6476 | The Misdrashs Midrash Mishle share
I f a word be worth one shekel, silence is worth two. synagogue quote 6475 | The Talmud Megillah 18a share