W hat does usury resemble? A man bitten by a snake who does not feel the bite until the swelling starts. synagogue quote 6447 | The Torah Exodus (Shmot) R. share
N one should stand up to pray save in sober mood; the pious men of old used to wait an hour before they said their prayer, that they might direct their heart toward God. synagogue quote 6446 | Jewish Proverb Berakhot 5:1 share
I f a man break a light precept (commandment), he will end by breaking a grave one. synagogue quote 6445 | The Misdrashs Sifre (Midrash halakhah) share
W ith faith, there are no questions; without faith there are no answers. synagogue quote 6444 | The Chofetz Chaim share
H ospitality to strangers shows reverence for the name of the Lord. synagogue quote 6442 | The Talmud Shabbat 127a share
W ho tells his friend’s secret sheds blood. synagogue quote 6441 | The Misdrashs Midrash Gadol Ugdula share
B e ever decorous when you enter and when you leave. synagogue quote 6440 | The Talmud Pirke Ben Azzai share
T he man who cannot survive bad times will not see good times. synagogue quote 6439 | Jewish Proverb Hasidic Proverb share
W hen you teach your son, use a carefully edited text. synagogue quote 6438 | The Talmud Pesachim share
B efore trouble comes, obtain advice; after it comes, advice is useless. synagogue quote 6435 | Ibn Zabara share
F or there is not a righteous man upon the earth, that does good and sins not. E synagogue quote 6434 | The Ecclesiastes 7:15 share
O ne does not wage war, whether profane or holy, before one offers peace, as it is written [Deuteronomy (Devarim) 20:10]—When you come near a city to fight against it, then proclaim peace unto it! synagogue quote 6432 | MOCHÈ bèn Maïmone share
A man will soon forget his sin if he does not make it public. synagogue quote 6429 | Agur ben Jakeh share
F lee from a sin as from a snake, for if you draw nigh it will bite you! synagogue quote 6428 | Jeshua ben Sirach 21:2 share
O ne should respect one’s fatherin- law like one’s own father. synagogue quote 6427 | The Misdrashs Midrash Tehillim share
H e who teaches a child is as if he had created it. synagogue quote 6426 | The Talmud Sanhedrin 19b share
I wish we could feel what we understand and understand what we feel. synagogue quote 6424 | Rabbi Shimeon Yal?u? Shim'oni share
H e who stiffens his neck against many reproofs will suddenly be broken beyond repair. synagogue quote 6423 | The Book of Proverbs 29:2 share