L ittle children won’t let you sleep; big children won’t let you live. synagogue quote 6672 | The Talmud Nedarim share
I can retract what I did not say, but I cannot retract what I already have said. synagogue quote 6671 | Salomon Ibn Gabirol share
S lander is in the same category with murder. synagogue quote 6668 | The Talmud Talmud Yerushalmi, Pe’ah I share
I f you talk too much, you’ll say what you didn’t intend to. synagogue quote 6667 | The Book of Proverbs share
F ish die out of water; men die without law and order. synagogue quote 6664 | The Talmud Avoda Zara 4a share
I t is not the place that honors its man, but the man that honors his place. synagogue quote 6659 | The Talmud Ta’anit share
S et me as a seal upon your heart, as a signet upon your arm! synagogue quote 6658 | The Ketuvim Song of Songs (Shir HaShirim) 8:6 share
M any pens are broken, and seas of ink consumed, to describe things that never happened. synagogue quote 6657 | The Misdrashs Midrash Tanchuma share
W ho is slow to anger has great understanding, who has a hasty temper exalts folly. synagogue quote 6656 | The Proverbs 14:29 share
H e that gathers little by little will multiply his means. synagogue quote 6655 | The Book of Proverbs 13:11 share
M any have drunk from this cup of mourning and many will drink. synagogue quote 6654 | The Talmud Ketubot share
N o pupil will attend to his lessons properly unless he respects his teacher. synagogue quote 6653 | Achad Ha’am share
E ven if a man is a rabbi, when his father enters, the son must rise [in the presence of his pupils]. synagogue quote 6652 | The Talmud Horayot 13b share
I t is better to be humble with the lowly than to share spoils with the proud. synagogue quote 6651 | The Book of Proverbs 16:19 share