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Wisdom and teachings of

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T he saints, the knowers of reality, call him a conqueror of delusion, who, having conquered delusion, realizes the soul (as) full of its own inherent knowledge.

quote 6368  |   Acharya Kundkund
Samaya Sara, 1/37 

I f that (soul) becomes mattersubstance, the other (i.e., matter) will gain soulness. Then (you) can say that this matter-substances (is) mine.

quote 6367  |   Acharya Kundkund
Samaya Sara, 1/30 

T hat the soul always (possesses) the characteristics of conscious attentiveness, is seen in the knowledge of the all - knowing. How can the soul be the matter, which thou says it is mine?

quote 6366  |   Acharya Kundkund
Samaya Sara, 1/29 

T he soul whose intellect is deluded by wrong knowledge and (which is) with many kinds of thought-activity, says of the matter-substance (whether it is) bound or not bound (with the soul), this is mine.

quote 6365  |   Acharya Kundkund
Samaya Sara, 1/28 

T hus the wrong-believer indulges in such perverse thought activity of soul. But a right-believer, knowing the real standpoint, does not so indulge.

quote 6364  |   Acharya Kundkund
Samaya Sara, 1/27 

I t was mine formerly, I (was) its in the past time. (It) will again be mine; I also will be it.

quote 6363  |   Acharya Kundkund
Samaya Sara, 1/26 

O ther foreign substance, living, non-living, or mixed is I, I am it. I am of them; and they are mine.

quote 6362  |   Acharya Kundkund
Samaya Sara, 1/25 

M editation verily must be performed in (right) belief, knowledge and conduct. But they all three (are) the soul, therefore perform meditation in the (pure) soul (itself).

quote 6361  |   Acharya Kundkund
Samaya Sara, 1/11 

D o not act, do not talk, do not think, so that the soul may be attached to and fixed in itself. This only is excellent meditation.

quote 6360  |   Nemichandra
Dravya Samgraha, 56 

W hen a Sadhu attaining concentration becomes void of conscious effort by meditation on anything whatever, that state is called real meditation.

quote 6359  |   Nemichandra
Dravya Samgraha, 55 

T hat sage who practices well conduct which is always pure and which is the path of liberation with perfect faith and knowledge is a Sadhu. Obeisance to him.

quote 6358  |   Nemichandra
Dravya Samgraha, 54 

T hat being, the greatest of the great sages who being possessed of the three jewels, is always engaged in preaching the religious truths, is (known as) Upadhyaya (Teacher). Salutation to him.

quote 6357  |   Nemichandra
Dravya Samgraha, 53 

I f you wish to have your mind fixed in order to succeed in various kinds of meditation, do not be deluded by or attached to beneficial objects and do not be averse to harmful objects.

quote 6356  |   Nemichandra
Dravya Samgraha, 48 

T he three jewels (i.e., Perfect Faith, Perfect Knowledge and Perfect Conduct) do not exist in any other substance excepting the soul. Therefore, the soul surely is the cause of liberation.

quote 6355  |   Nemichandra
Dravya Samgraha, 40 

A s water assists the movement of moving fish, so Dharma (assists the movement of moving) Pudgala and Jiva. (But) it does not move (Pudgala and Jiva which are) not moving.

quote 6354  |   Nemichandra
Dravya Samgraha, 17 

T he fire of attachment incessantly burns you. Therefore drink the nectar of equanimity. You have for long nurtured the desire and passions; now renounce them and come to your ownself. Why are you enamoured of alien objects, which are not yours? Why do you suffer pain? O, Doulatram, enjoy supreme bliss by means of Self-absorption. Do not miss this opportunity.

quote 6353  |   Pandit Daulat Ram
Chha Dhala, 6/15 

I n this way the blessed ones achieve, and shall achieve the three jewels, which have been classified directly and indirectly. The water of their glory shall cleanse the filth of the world. Having understood this, cast away laziness, gather courage, reverentially receive the instruction, and accomplish your purpose speedily before disease or old age catches hold of you.

quote 6352  |   Pandit Daulat Ram
Chha Dhala, 6/14 

T he attributes and modifications of the universe and the beyond are reflected in the Self; and he will remain eternally the same on attainment of Liberation. Blessed are those who on acquiring the human body, accomplished this, and attained the highest happiness, and got rid of the five-fold wanderings, the beginning of which was untraceable.

quote 6351  |   Pandit Daulat Ram
Chha Dhala, 6/13 

T he need for proof, points of view, and rules of logic, is then not experienced. I am then everlasting. Perception, Knowledge, Joy and Might, and in me there remain nothing alien to myself. I am the achiever and the object of achievement. I am not obstructed by Karmas and their effects.

quote 6350  |   Pandit Daulat Ram
Chha Dhala, 6/10 

T hey maintain equanimity, recite hymns, offer obeisance to Jina- Deva, remain constantly engrossed in scriptures, engage in self-analysis and self-chastisement, and give up attachment for the body. They do not bathe nor rub teeth. They have no covering, take a short sleep on the bare ground on one side, during the later part of the night.

quote 6349  |   Pandit Daulat Ram
Chha Dhala, 6/5 

H aving duly controlled the mind, body and speech, they meditate upon the self; and the deer rub against their motionless posture, mistaking it for a rock. In order to attain conquest over the five senses, they feel no attachment or aversion to good or bad, touch, taste, colour, smell or sound.

quote 6348  |   Pandit Daulat Ram
Chha Dhala, 6/4 

T hey are indifferent to taste; take food for enduring increasing asceticism, not for pampering the body, at the residence of a Sravak of good family, avoiding the 46 kinds of defects. They take care in laying down or lifting up the sacred instruments of learning (scriptures), of body-purification (bowl of water) and of religious observance (brush of peacock feathers). They throw of excrement, urine and expectoration after looking for an unfrequented place.

quote 6347  |   Pandit Daulat Ram
Chha Dhala, 6/3 

T hat Dharma is practised by the ascetics, I shall describe their activities. O worthy of liberation! hear it and realise your own Self.

quote 6346  |   Pandit Daulat Ram
Chha Dhala, 5/15 

T he universe is neither created nor supported by anybody. I t is composed of six substances and is indestructible. For want of equanimity, the Jiva, wanders incessantly, and suffers pain.

quote 6345  |   Pandit Daulat Ram
Chha Dhala, 5/12 

W hy are you enamoured of this body, which is a bundle of flesh, blood, pus and excreta and is defiled by bones, fat and the like, and has nine outlets, through which dirty matters flow.

quote 6344  |   Pandit Daulat Ram
Chha Dhala, 5/8 

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