World  Spiritual  Heritage

Life and teaching of Saint Evagrios the Solitary


Saint Evagrios the Solitary : Biography

Evagrios Pontikos was born in 345 or 346, probably at Ibora in Pontus. A disciple of the Cappodocian Fathers, he was ordained reader by St. Basil the Great and he accompanied St Gregory the Theologian to the Council of Constantinople in 381. He draws upon the living experience of the Desert Fathers of Egypt, mainly Copts, among whom he spent the last years of his life.

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Saint Evagrios the Solitary : Links

Christianity, Abbot Vasilios of Iveron Monastery, Archimandrite Sophrony, Athenagoras, Diadochos of Photiki, Hesychius of Jerusalem, Nicephorus the Solitary, Nicolas Berdiaev, Saint Evagrios the Solitary, Saint Gregory Palamas, Saint Hesychios the Priest, Saint Isaac the Syrian, Saint Mark the Ascetic, Saint Seraphim de Sarov, Saint Silouane l'Athonite, Saint Symeon the New Theologian, The Philokalia, Unknown, etc.
