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The Quran

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U pon that Day men shall issue in scatterings to see their works, And whoso has done an atom's weight of good shall see it, And whoso has done an atom's weight of evil shall see it

mosque quote 4176  | 
Qur'an 99.6-8 


E ven if the wrong-doers had all that there is on earth, and as much more, in vain would they offer it for ransom from the pain of the penalty on the Day of Judgment, but something will confront them from God which they could never have counted upon! For the evils of their deeds will confront them, and they will be encircled by that at which they used to mock!

mosque quote 4175  | 
Qur'an 39.47-48 


T o God belongs all that is in the heavens and on the earth; and whether you make known what is in your minds or hide it, God will bring you to account for it. He will forgive whom He will and He will punish whom He will. God is able to do all things.

mosque quote 4174  | 
Qur'an 2.284 


W hatever affliction may visit you is for what your own hands have earned.

mosque quote 4161  | 
Qur'an 42.30 


T he All-merciful has taught the Qur'an.
He created man
and He taught him the Explanation.
The sun and the moon to a reckoning,
and the stars and the trees bow themselves;
and heaven--He raised it up, and set The Balance.
(Transgress not in the Balance,
and weigh with justice, and skimp not in the Balance.)
And the earth--He set it down for all beings,
therein fruits, and palm-trees with sheaths,
and grain in the blade, and fragrant herbs
O which of your Lord's bounties will you and you deny?

He created man of a clay like a potter's,
and He created the jinn (spirits) of a smokeless fire.
O which of your Lord's bounties will you and you deny?

Lord of the Two Easts, Lord of the Two Wests
O which of your Lord's bounties will you and you deny?
He set forth the two seas that meet together,
between them a barrier they do not overpass.
O which of your Lord's bounties will you and you deny?
From them come forth the pearl and the coral.
O which of your Lord's bounties will you and you deny?
His too are the ships that run, raised up in the sea like landmarks.
O which of your Lord's bounties will you and you deny?...
Whatsoever is in the heavens and the earth implore Him; every day He is
upon some labor.
O which of your Lord's bounties will you and you deny?

mosque quote 4141  | 
Qur'an 55.5-30 


W e created man of an extraction of clay,
then We set him, a drop, in a receptacle secure,
then We created of the drop a clot
then We created of the clot a tissue
then We created of the tissue bones
then We garmented the bones in flesh;
thereafter We produced him as another creature.
So blessed be God, the fairest of creators!

mosque quote 4140  | 
Qur'an 23.14 


G od it is Who created the heavens and the earth,
and that which is between them, in six days.
Then He mounted the throne.
You have not, beside Him, a protecting friend or mediator.
Will you not then remember?
He directs the ordinance from the heaven to the earth;
then it ascends to Him in a Day, whose measure is
a thousand years of your reckoning.
Such is the Knower of the invisible and the visible,
the Mighty, the Merciful,
Who made all things good which He created.
And He began the creation of man from clay;
then He made his seed from a draught of despised fluid;
then He fashioned him and breathed into him of His spirit;
and appointed for you hearing and sight and hearts.
Small thanks you give!

mosque quote 4138  | 
Qur'an 32.4-9 


W e indeed created man; and We know what his soul whispers within him, and We are nearer to him than the jugular vein.

mosque quote 4129  | 
Qur'an 50.16 


S ee you not that God knows all that is in the heavens and on earth? There is not a secret consultation between three unless He is their fourth, nor between five unless He is their sixth, nor between fewer or more unless He is in their midst, wheresoever they be.

mosque quote 4128  | 
Qur'an 58.7 


T o God belong the East and the West;
whithersoever you turn, there is the Face of God;
God is All-embracing, All-knowing.

mosque quote 4126  | 
Qur'an 2.115 


O ur Lord! Lo! You know that which we hide and that which we proclaim. Nothing in the earth or in heaven is hidden from God.

mosque quote 4124  | 
Qur'an 14.38 


G od! there is no God but He,
the Living, the Everlasting.
Slumber seizes Him not, neither sleep;
to Him belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth.
Who is there who shall intercede with Him
save by His leave?
He knows what lies before them
and what is after them,
and they comprehend not anything of His knowledge
save such as He wills.
His throne comprises the heavens and earth;
the preserving of them oppresses Him not;
He is the All-high, the All-glorious.

mosque quote 4116  | 
Qur'an 2.255 


N o vision can grasp Him,
But His grasp is over all vision;
He is above all comprehension,
Yet is acquainted with all things.

mosque quote 4107  | 
Qur'an 6.103 


S ay, He is God, the One!
God, the eternally Besought of all!
He neither begets nor was begotten.
And there is none comparable unto Him.

mosque quote 4098  | 
Qur'an 112 


S o also did We show Abraham the power and the laws of the heavens and the earth, that he might have certitude. When the night covered him over, he saw a star; he said, "This is my Lord." But when it set, he said, "I love not those that set." When he saw the moon rising in splendor, he said, "This is my Lord," but when the moon set, he said, "Unless my Lord guide me, I shall surely be among those who go astray." When he saw the sun rising in splendor, he said, "This is my Lord; this is the greatest of all," but when the sun set, he said, "O my people! I am indeed free from your [error] of ascribing partners to God. For me, I have set my face firmly and truly towards Him Who created the heavens and the earth, and never shall I ascribe partners to God."

mosque quote 4096  | 
Qur'an 6.75-79 


A nd of His signs is that He created you from the dust; now behold you are human beings, ranging widely.

And of His signs is that He created for you, of yourselves, spouses that you might find repose in them, and He has planted love and kindness in your hearts.

Surely there are signs in this for people who reflect.

And of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the variety of your tongues and hues, surely there are signs in this for people who have knowledge. And of His signs is your slumber by night and day, and your seeking of His bounty.

Surely there are signs in this for people who hear. The lightning which He shows you for fear and hope is yet another of His signs; He sends down water from the sky, thereby reviving the earth after it is dead.

Surely in this there are signs for people who understand. And of His signs is that space and the earth stand firm by His command; then when He calls you, suddenly, from the earth you shall emerge.

mosque quote 4093  | 
Qur'an 30.20-25 


I t is God who splits the grain and the date-stone. He brings forth the living from the dead; He brings forth the dead too from the living.
So that then is God; then how are you perverted? He splits the sky into dawn, and has made the night for a repose, and the sun and moon for a reckoning.
That is the ordaining of the All-mighty, the All-knowing. It is He who has appointed for you the stars, that by them you might be guided in the shadows of land and sea.
We have distinguished the signs for a people who know.
It is He who produced you from one living soul, and then a lodging place, and then a repository.
We have distinguished the signs for a people who understand. It is He who sent down out of heaven water, and thereby We have brought forth the shoot of every plant. And then We have brought forth the green leaf of it, bringing forth from it close-compounded grain, and out of the palm tree, from the spathe of it, dates thick-clustered, ready to the hand, and gardens of vines, olives, pomegranates, like each to each, and each unlike to each. Look upon their fruits when they fructify and ripen!
Surely, in all this are signs for a people who do believe.

mosque quote 4092  | 
Qur'an 6.95-99 


W e did not create the heavens and the earth and everything between them as a game. We did not create them except with truth but most of them do not know it. (Surat ad-Dukhan: 38-39)

Did you suppose that We created you for amusement and that you would not return to Us? (Surat al-Muminun: 115)

They know an outward aspect of the life of this world but are heedless of the hereafter. Have they not reflected within themselves? Allah did not create the heavens and the earth and everything between them except with truth and for a fixed term. Yet many people reject the meeting with their Lord. (Surat ar-Rum: 7-8)

That day Hell is produced, that day man will remember; but how will the remembrance help him?
He will say, "Oh! If only I had prepared in advance for this life of mine!" (Surat al-Fajr: 23-24)

Those are the people who have lost their own selves. What they invented has abandoned them. Without question they will be the greatest losers in the hereafter. As for those who believe and do right actions and humble themselves before their Lord, they are the Companions of the Garden, remaining in it timelessly, forever. The likeness of the two groups is that of the blind and deaf and the seeing and hearing. Are they the same as one another? So will you not pay heed? (Surah Hud: 21-24)

The stupor of death will come in truth. (And it is said unto him): "That is what you were trying to evade! The trumpet is blown. That is the day of the threat." (Surah Qaf: 19-20)

Like those before you who had greater strength than you and more wealth and children. They enjoyed their portion; so enjoy your portion as those before you enjoyed theirs. You have plunged into defamation as they plunged into it. The actions of such people come to nothing in this world or the hereafter. They are the lost. (Surat at-Tawba: 69).

Alif Lam Mim Ra. Those are the signs of the Book. And what has been sent down to you from your Lord is the truth. But most people do not believe. (Surat ar-Ra'd: 1)

They swear by Allah with their most earnest oaths that Allah will not raise up those who die, when, on the contrary, it is a binding promise on Him; but most people do not know it. (Surat an-Nahl: 38)

We have variegated it for them so they might pay heed but most people begrudge aught save ingratitude. (Surat al-Furqan: 50)

mosque quote 3986  | 


T o every one of you We have appointed a right way and an open road.

mosque quote 3965  | 
V, 50-3 


A ll that is in the heavens and the earth magnifies God;
He is the All-mighty, the All-wise.
To Him belongs the Kingdom of the heavens and the earth;
He gives life, and He makes to die, and He is powerful
Over everything.
He is the First and the Last, the Outward and the Inward;
He has knowledge of everything.
It is He that created the heavens and the earth in six days
then seated Himself upon the Throne.
He knows what penetrates into the earth
and what comes forth from it,
what comes down from heaven, and what goes up into it.
He is with you wherever you are; and God sees
the things you do.
To Him belongs the Kingdom of the heavens and the earth;
and unto Him all matters are returned,
He makes the night to enter into the day
and makes the day to enter into the night..
He knows the thoughts within the breasts.

mosque quote 3924  | 
LVII, 1-5, Translation by A. J Arberry 


G od
there is no god but He, the Living, the Everlasting.
Slumber seizes Him not, neither sleep;
to Him belongs
all that is in the heavens and the earth
Who is there that shall intercede with Him save by His leave?
He knows what lies before them
and what is after them,
and they comprehend not anything of His knowledge
save such as He wills.
His Throne comprises the heavens and earth;
the preserving of them oppresses Him not;
He is the All-high, the All-glorious. […]
God is All-hearing, All-knowing.

mosque quote 3923  | 
II, 256-9; VI, 102-3, Translation by A.J Arberry 


W heresoever you turn, there is the face of Allah.

mosque quote 2975  | 
Essential Sufism, by James Fadiman & Robert Frager, Harper SanFrancisco, p.228 


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