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The Bhagavat Gita

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A fter many births the wise seek refuge in me, seeing me everywhere and in everything. Such great souls are very rare.

temple_hindu quote 3228  | 
BG 7:19, p. 117, The Bhagavad Gita. Trans. Eknath Easwaran. Tomales, CA.: Nilgiri Press, 1985. 


J ust as a reservoir is of little use when the whole countryside is flooded, scriptures are of little use to the illumined man or woman who sees the Lord everywhere.

temple_hindu quote 3227  | 
BG 2:46, p. 66, The Bhagavad Gita. Trans. Eknath Easwaran. Tomales, CA.: Nilgiri Press, 1985. 


T he beginningless Brahman, … can be called neither being nor nonbeing… It is both near and far, both within and without every creature; it moves and is unmoving. In its subtlety it is beyond comprehension. It is indivisible, yet appears divided in separate creatures. Know it to be the creator, the preserver, and the destroyer. Dwelling in every heart, it is beyond darkness. It is called the light of lights, the object and goal of knowledge, and knowledge itself.

temple_hindu quote 3226  | 
BG 13:12, 15-17, pp. 170-171, The Bhagavad Gita. Trans. Eknath Easwaran. Tomales, CA.: Nilgiri Press, 1985. 


T he Supreme Lord dwells in the heart of all beings, and by
His magic power of illusion
He causes them to move about like wooden dolls on a spinning wheel.

Give your whole heart to that Supreme Lord, seek refuge in Him alone;
By His Grace you will find perfect peace and the abode of immortal life.

Go deeper and deeper within yourself until nothing is left-then fight!
No one on earth is more dear to me than you.
That is why I tell you all this …

Abandon all hope of gain from this world and take refuge in me alone;
I will wash away your sins and free you from every evil.
You will never grieve again,

Fix your mind on me, think of yourself as me, worship me, sacrifice to me, honor me as your own Self, and you will surely come to me. This I promise you, for you are dear to me …

Arjuna! Have you heard me? Have my words hit their mark?

temple_hindu quote 3013  | 
Chapter 18, translated by Jonathan Star and Julle Lal, the Inner Treasure, Tarcher Putnam. 


T his vision you have seen
is indeed rare;
even the gods are ever-wishing for such a sight.

Not through study of the scriptures, austerities, charity, or sacrifice
can I be seen as you have seen me.

0 Arjuna, only by the
unswerving love of the heart
can my supreme state be seen,
and known, and attained.

temple_hindu quote 3012  | 
Chapter 11, translated by Jonathan Star and Julle Lal, the Inner Treasure, Tarcher Putnam. 


I see your infinite forma
Forms, bellies, faces, and eyes everywhere.
I see no beginning, middle, or end.
0 Lord of the Universe, you are everything!

temple_hindu quote 3011  | 
Chapter 11, translated by Jonathan Star and Julle Lal, the Inner Treasure, Tarcher Putnam. 


S ee the whole of this universe,
the movable and immovable,
and whatever else you wish to see, unified, as one, in my body.

temple_hindu quote 3010  | 
Chapter 11, translated by Jonathan Star and Julle Lal, the Inner Treasure, Tarcher Putnam. 


B e aware of me always, adore me, make every act an offering to me, and you shall come to me; this I promise;

temple_hindu quote 2668  | 
translated by Eknath Easwaran, Nilgiri Press, Tomales, California 


T hat one I love who is incapable of ill will, who is friendly and compassionate. Living beyond the reach of I and mine and of pleasure and pain, patient, contented, self-controlled, firm in faith, with all his heart and all his mind given to me-with such a one I am in love.
Not agitating the world or by it agitated, he stands above the sway of competition and fear: he is my beloved.

temple_hindu quote 2667  | 
translated by Eknath Easwaran, Nilgiri Press, Tomales, California 


S till your mind in me, still your intellect in me, and without doubt you will be united with me forever. If you cannot still your mind in me, learn to do so through the regular practice of meditation. If you lack the will for such self discipline, engage yourself in my work, for selfless service can lead you at last to complete fulfillment. If you are unable to do even this, surrender yourself to me, disciplining yourself and renouncing the results of all your actions.
Better indeed is knowledge than mechanical practice. Better than knowledge is meditation. But better still is surrender of attachment to results, because there follows immediate peace.

temple_hindu quote 2666  | 
translated by Eknath Easwaran, Nilgiri Press, Tomales, California 


O Lord, I see within your body all the gods and every kind of living creature. I see Brahma, the Creator, seated on a lotus; I see the ancient sages and the celestial serpents.

I see infinite mouths and arms, stomachs and eyes, and you are embodied in every form. I see you everywhere, without beginning, middle, or end. You are the Lord of all creation, and the cosmos is your body.

temple_hindu quote 2665  | 
translated by Eknath Easwaran, Nilgiri Press, Tomales, California 


T herefore, having been born in this transient and formless world, give all your love to me. Fill your mind with me; love me; serve me; worship me always.

temple_hindu quote 2663  | 
translated by Eknath Easwaran, Nilgiri Press, Tomales, California 


W hatever I am offered in devotion with a pure heart-a leaf, a flower, fruit, or water I partake of that love offering. Whatever you do, make it an offering to me-the food you eat, the sacrifices you make, the help you give, even your suffering. In this way you will be freed from the bondage of karma, and from its results both pleasant and painful. Then, firm in renunciation and yoga, with your heart free, you will come to me.

temple_hindu quote 2662  | 
translated by Eknath Easwaran, Nilgiri Press, Tomales, California 


T he process of offering is Brahman; that which is offered is Brahman. Brahman offers the sacrifice in the fire of Brahman. Brahman is attained by those who see Brahman in every action.
Some aspirants offer material sacrifices to the gods. Others offer selfless service as sacrifice in the fire of Brahman. Some renounce all enjoyment of the senses, sacrificing them in the fire of sense restraint. Others partake of sense objects but offer them in service through the fire of the senses. Some offer the workings of the senses and the vital forces through the fire of self-control, kindled in the path of knowledge.

Some offer wealth; others offer sense restraint and suffering. Some take vows and offer knowledge and study of the scriptures; and some make the offering of meditation. Some offer the forces of vitality, regulating their inhalation and exhalation, and thus gain control over these forces. Others offer the forces of vitality through restraint of their senses. All these understand the meaning of service and will be cleansed of their impurities.

True sustenance is in service, and through it a man or woman reaches the eternal Brahman. But those who do not seek to serve are without a home in this world. Arjuna, how can they be at home in any world to come?

These offerings are born of work, and each guides mankind along a path to Brahman.

temple_hindu quote 2661  | 
translated by Eknath Easwaran, Nilgiri Press, Tomales, California 


T he wise see that there is action in the midst of inaction and inaction in the midst of action. Their consciousness is unified, and every act is done with complete awareness.
The awakened sages call a person wise when all his undertakings are free from anxiety about results; all his selfish desires have been consumed in the fire of knowledge. The wise, ever satisfied, have abandoned all external supports. Their security is unaffected by the results of their action; even while acting, they really do nothing at all. Free from expectations and from all sense of possession, with mind and body firmly controlled by the Self, they do not incur sin by the performance of physical action.
They live in freedom who have gone beyond the dualities of life. Competing with no one, they are alike in success and failure and content with whatever comes to them. They are free, without selfish attachments; their minds are fixed in knowledge. They perform all work in the spirit of service, and their karma is dissolved.

temple_hindu quote 2660  | 
translated by Eknath Easwaran, Nilgiri Press, Tomales, California 


T he wise unify their consciousness and abandon attachment to the fruits of action, which binds a person to continual rebirth. Thus they attain a state beyond all evil.

temple_hindu quote 2659  | 
translated by Eknath Easwaran, Nilgiri Press, Tomales, California 


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