Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself. Rumi
We write beautiful maxims; but are we well imbued with them, and are we putting them into practice? Epictetus
One Little Angel is proud to present
God Love All Beings Quotes from the World Religion
A Proper Understanding of Religion
It is essential to have proper understanding of what religion is all about. The Chinese word for religion is 宗教 (Zong-jiao). The character 宗 (Zong) means ‘main,’ ‘important,’ or ‘noble and esteemed.’ The character 教 (Jiao) means ‘education,’ ‘teachings,’ or ‘actions that serve to moralise, civilise or enlighten humanity.’ Put together, 宗教 (Zong-jiao) means ‘the main education,’ ‘the important teachings,’ and ‘the noble, esteemed actions that moralise, civilise, or enlighten people.’ Observing closely every major religion’s sacred scriptures and history of education, we can see that the principal contents of religious teachings can be classified into four categories: morality, ethics, causality and sacred wisdom.
This commentary on God Loves All Beings - Quotes from the World Religion by Master Chin Kung was produced between 2018 and 2019 and recorded at the UNESCO. Although intended for a Buddhist audience, the commentary is remarkably open-minded regarding the teachings of all religions and as such deserves to be read by everyone, believers and non-believers alike.
- Conference 1: Introduction of the association at UNESCO and its role; - Conferences 2 to 4: Introduction of the conference series God loves all beings. - Lectures 5 to 8: commentary on Bahá'í texts. - Lectures 9 to 23: commentary on Buddhist texts.
Inter-Faiths Dialogue
Quotes of the Day
Wang Bi
How is virtue to be attained? It is to be attained through Tao. How is virtue to be completely fulfilled? It is through non-being as its function. As non-being is its function, all things will be embraced. Therefore in regard to things, if they are understood as non-being all things will be in order, whereas if they are understood as being, it is impossible to avoid the fact that they are products (phenomena). Although Heaven and Earth are extensive, non-being is the mind, and although sages and kings are great, vacuity (hsu) is their foundation. Therefore it is said that by returning and seeing [absolute quiet and perfect non-being], the mind of Heaven and Earth will be revealed.
One Little Angel is proud to present Scriptures 360 by
Religious cohesion, bringing religion back to education and mutual learning amongst religious groups can foster social harmony and promote world peace. Venerable Master Chin Kung encouraged practitioners of different faiths to select 360 passages of the most essential teachings in their respective sacred texts, and compiled them into Scriptures 360, for the convenience of the general public.
This set of books is compiled by: - Members of the Toowoomba Interfaith Working Group (Queensland, Australia), - Syed Hassan Al-Atas (Imam and Head of Ba alwie Mosque Singapore), - Reverend Master Lee Zhiwang (President of Taoist Mission Singapore), - Mr K. Rajamanikam (Singapore)
Biography of the Day
Chow Tun-i
Neo-Confucianism may be traced to earlier Confucianists, but tin one who really opened its vista and determined its direction was Chow Tun-i (Chou Lien-hsi, 1017-1073), who is generally called the pioneer of Neo-Confucianism. In two short treatises, the T'ai-chi-t'u shuo (As Explanation of the Diagram of the Great Ultimate) and the T'ung-shn (Penetrating the Book of Changes), he laid the pattern of metaphysics and ethics for later Neo-Confucianism. Whether he got the diagram from a Taoist priest is a debatable point, but the strong Taoist influence on him ...