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Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.

We write beautiful maxims; but are we well imbued with them, and are we putting them into practice?

One Little Angel is proud to present

God Love All Beings
Quotes from the World Religion

A Proper Understanding of Religion

It is essential to have proper understanding of what religion is all about. The Chinese word for religion is 宗教 (Zong-jiao). The character 宗 (Zong) means ‘main,’ ‘important,’ or ‘noble and esteemed.’ The character 教 (Jiao) means ‘education,’ ‘teachings,’ or ‘actions that serve to moralise, civilise or enlighten humanity.’ Put together, 宗教 (Zong-jiao) means ‘the main education,’ ‘the important teachings,’ and ‘the noble, esteemed actions that moralise, civilise, or enlighten people.’ Observing closely every major religion’s sacred scriptures and history of education, we can see that the principal contents of religious teachings can be classified into four categories: morality, ethics, causality and sacred wisdom.

Master Chin Kung
Automn 2017, Hong-Kong

God Love All Beings - Quotes from the World Religion

Commentary by Master Chin Kung :

This commentary on God Loves All Beings - Quotes from the World Religion by Master Chin Kung was produced between 2018 and 2019 and recorded at the UNESCO. Although intended for a Buddhist audience, the commentary is remarkably open-minded regarding the teachings of all religions and as such deserves to be read by everyone, believers and non-believers alike.

- Conference 1: Introduction of the association at UNESCO and its role;
- Conferences 2 to 4: Introduction of the conference series God loves all beings.
- Lectures 5 to 8: commentary on Bahá'í texts.
- Lectures 9 to 23: commentary on Buddhist texts.


Inter-Faiths Dialogue

Quotes of the Day
The Lankavatara Sutra

Then said Mahamati: Blessed One, you speak of the sameness of all the Buddhas, but in other places you have spoken of Dharmata-Buddha, Nishyanda-Buddha and Nirmana-Buddha.
As though they were different from each other; how can they be the same and yet different?
The Blessed One replied: I speak of the different Buddhas as opposed to the views of the philosophers who base their teachings on the reality of an external world of form and who cherish discriminations and attachments arising there from; against the teachings of these philosophers I disclose the Nirmana-Buddha, the Buddha of Transformations. In the many transformations of the Tathagata stage, the Nirmana-Buddha establishes such matters as charity, morality, patience, thought-fullness, and tranquillization; by right-knowledge he teaches the true understanding of the maya-like nature of the elements that make up personality and its external world; he teaches the true nature of the mind-system as a whole and in the distinctions of its forms, functions and ways of performance. In a deeper sense, The Nirmana-Buddha symbolizes the principles of differentiation and integration by reason of which all component things are distributed, all complexities simplified, all thoughts analyzed; at the same time it symbolizes the harmonizing, unifying power of sympathy and compassion; it removes all obstacles, it harmonizes all differences, it brings into perfect Oneness the discordant many. For the emancipation of all beings the Bodhisattvas and Tathagatas assume bodies of transformation and employ many skillful devices, -this is the work of the Nirmana-Buddha.
For the enlightenment of the Bodhisattvas and their sustaining along the stages, the Inconceivable is made realizable. The Nishyanda -Buddha, the "Out-flowing-Buddha, through transcendental Intelligence, reveals the true meaning and significance of appearances, discrimination, attachment; and of the power of habit-energy which is accumulated by them and conditions them; and of the un-bornness, the emptiness, the egolesness of all things. Because of Transcendental Intelligence and the purification of the evil out-flowings of life, all dualist views of existence and non-existence are transcended and by self-realization of Noble Wisdom the true imagelessness of Reality is made manifest. The inconceivable glory of Buddha hood is made manifest in rays of Noble Wisdom; Noble Wisdom is the self-nature of the Tathagatas. This is the work of the Nishyanda-Buddha. In a deeper sense, the Nishyanda-Buddha symbolizes the emergence of the principles of intellection and
compassion but as yet undifferentiated and in perfect balance, potential but unmanifest. Looked at from the in-going side of the Bodhisattvas, Nishyanda-Buddha is seen in the glorified bodies of the Tathagatas; looked at from the forth-going side of Buddhahood, Nishyanda-Buddha is seen in the radiant personalities of the Tathagatas ready and eager to manifest the inherent Love and Wisdom of the Dharmakaya.

Dharmata-Buddha is Buddhahood in its self-nature of Perfect Oneness in whom absolute Tranquility prevails. As Noble Wisdom, Dharmata-Buddha transcends all differentiated knowledge, is the goal of intuitive self-realization, and is the self-nature of the Tathagatas. As Noble Wisdom, Dharmata-Buddha is inscrutable, ineffable, unconditioned. Dharmata-Buddha is the Ultimate Principle of Reality from which all things derive their being and truthfulness, but which in itself transcends all predicates. Dharmata-Buddha is the central sun which holds all, illumines all. Its inconceivable Essence is made manifest in the "out-flowing" glory of Nishyanda-Buddha and in the transformations of Nirmana-Buddha.

[more quotes from The Lankavatara Sutra]

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One Little Angel is proud to present
Scriptures 360

Religious cohesion, bringing religion back to education and mutual learning amongst religious groups can foster social harmony and promote world peace. Venerable Master Chin Kung encouraged practitioners of different faiths to select 360 passages of the most essential teachings in their respective sacred texts, and compiled them into Scriptures 360, for the convenience of the general public.

This set of books is compiled by:
- Members of the Toowoomba Interfaith Working Group (Queensland, Australia),
- Syed Hassan Al-Atas (Imam and Head of Ba alwie Mosque Singapore),
- Reverend Master Lee Zhiwang (President of Taoist Mission Singapore),
- Mr K. Rajamanikam (Singapore)


Biography of the Day
The Quran

Qur’an or Koran (krn´, –rän´) (KEY) [Arab.,=reading, recitation], the sacred book of Islam. Revealed by God to the Prophet Muhammad in separate revelations over the major portion of the Prophet’s life at Mecca and at Medina, the Qur’an was intended as a recited text, and was not compiled as a single volume during the life of the Prophet. The establishment of the canonical text is attributed to the 3d caliph, Uthman, who appointed a committee (651–52) to reconcile the conflicting versions then available, under the direction of Zaid ibn Thabit, one of the Prophet’s scribes. The internal organization of the Qur’an is somewhat ad hoc. Revelations consisted of verses (ayat) grouped into 114 chapters (suras). The arrangement of ...

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